

  Origin of Lunar New Year
  As an ancient folk culture as a matter of the origin of the Chinese zodiac, ancient scholars divergent. Some people think that Lunar New Year with the Earthly Branches homology can be traced back to the legends of prehistoric times, "Historical Records" contained in the Yellow Emperor "build Jiazi to life-year-old", "large torsion for Jiazi" is a reflection of this kind of argument, scholars consider here that refers to the Chinese zodiac cycle. Zhao Yi Qing scholars that the earliest signs of nomads from the north of China, he "Yu Cong step test," said: "custom built north of the beginning of twelve does not matter子丑Yin-chen, but mouse rabbit tiger like cattle sub-discipline years old, Baptist look down on China, was相沿do not waste our ears. "(see Zhao Yi-ching" Yu Cong step test "). Some scholars even hold for the Lunar New Year outside of the view that the Chinese zodiac are introduced into China from ancient Babylon, and the representative of this view have Guo, in his "字Oracle release branch do research" in stresses "Twelve Portraits in Babylon, Egypt, India are of, but are not very ancient, no discipline for the West after more than a hundred years. intended from the beginning of Western Han countries, like Babylon Zodiac enacted, the further spread of the surrounding also. "Lunar New Year for the Middle East think the residents of Babylon to imitate zodiac enacted, the time came to China, when Emperor pass the time of the Western Regions. More than a matter of opinion point of view, the writer dare not subjectively distinguish between right and wrong, but a large number of documents have proved that indeed originated in the Chinese Lunar New Year is the Chinese ancestors animal worship, totemism, as well as the crystallization of early astronomy.
  Records on the Chinese zodiac, the existing literature, the "Book of Songs" as the first. "The Book of Songs of small Vinhaket day" there: "auspicious Gengwu that poor horse I" words, meaning auspicious time Gengwu are good hunting days are Prancing Horse, which will be afternoon and Ma are the corresponding examples . Can be seen in the Spring and Autumn Period around the twelve Earthly Branches and the correlation between species of animals has been established and spread. In 1975, Yunmeng county in Hubei the tiger to sleep一号墓ten bamboo slips unearthed in is further proof of the Chinese zodiac has been in existence before and after the Spring and Autumn. Bamboo slips unearthed in the "day book" A has a chapter entitled "Pirates" and its contents were looking for fortune bootlegging characteristics, which have recorded: "Son, rats also, the Greek population against the Pirates are to be, ... ... ugly, cattle also , Pirates of those long-necked and big nose, ... ... c, tiger also, Pirates are like Greek to be face has black behavior. mao, rabbits also, the first Pirates of those different departments. ch'en, 〔〕 lacuna Pirates were the original man, the Green Red ... ... has been, insects also, Pirates of those long, head blacksnake. afternoon, deer also, Pirates of those long-necked small哘, whose body incomplete. ... ... no, Ma also, Pirates who long to be ears. Shanghai, ring also, Pirates of persons a round face ... ... "
  Above the word "not, Ma also, Pirates longer have to ear," are not correspond to a mistake? Earthly Branches and the Chinese zodiac in accordance with the order, did not correspond to the sheep should not it?
  "Day Book" in the Chinese zodiac in mind the general argument is similar to popular now. According to research, the tiger to sleep ten一号墓buried under thirty years of the First Qin Emperor (217 BC), the Zodiac, therefore the selection of at least can be traced back to the Qin before the Spring and Autumn Period. Scholars think that this is so far found in China on the Chinese zodiac and the earliest recorded in a more systematic.
  And today the popular Lunar New Year Animals that are fully consistent records of the Eastern Han Wang, Wang, "Potential Lunheng objects" contains: "c, wood also, the birds, the tiger also. Xu, earth also, and its poultry, dogs also. ... ... afternoon, Ma also. son of mice also, you, the chicken also. mao, rabbit also. ... ... hai, hog also. no, the sheep also. ugly, cattle also. ... ... have been, snakes also. Shanghai, the monkey also . "
  Above characters, the Chinese zodiac talked about the 11 kinds of animals, with the exception of missing Chenlong. The book "Introduction poisonous articles," said: "chen for long, have been for the snake. Ch'en, Minosuke is located in the southeast."
  Nevertheless, the Zodiac will be homogeneous, and the now increasingly popular with the Chinese zodiac assigned to exactly the same, it is indeed regarded as the ancient literature on the Lunar New Year earlier the most complete records.
  To the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Lunar New Year has been commonly used in the Southern Dynasties, "the Southern Qi Shu Zhi element" there is already a specific year of birth according to people that are recorded in some animals. Southern poet Shen Jiong Chen has created a twelve zodiac poetry, its言曰:
  "Health and dust trace the case of mice, cattle and sheep down the morning.
  Feeding tiger sitting Valley, rabbit on to the open window.
  Xi Yuan-green dragon, snake hovering near Salix.
  Malan far side pick, sheep negative春栽before.
  Li-fang shame monkey fruit, chicken primers anvil-ching Cup.
  HUAI objects of their dog, the pig calabash carefree unfathomable. "
  This is the first sign of the Zodiac Twelve poems are marked by the twelve Earthly Branches with animals in the order written on Zodiac at that time for people very familiar with.
  From the above can be clearly documented the source of Lunar New Year culture in China. Basis for the Lunar New Year outside the view of Lunar New Year are the Han Dynasty from the Middle East into China with Buddhism is almost time, we have from the above literature has proved as early as the Spring and Autumn Period of China's Lunar New Year will have the relevant records ( "day book", "Poetry by "), indicating that the selection of Lunar New Year and Lunar New Year and the Earthly Branches are the match as early as the Han ago produced, so be sure signs are produced in our country of an ancient culture of the local community. Well, what the origin of Lunar New Year, how are we doing? Ancients Why did you choose the 12 kinds of animals? The problem has always been subject to the attention of scholars, and made all sorts of interpretation.
  Some scholars think originated in primitive times, signs of animal worship, Mr. Zhang Binglun China University of Technology will hold this view. He believes that low productivity in the primitive society, the natural ability to understand the very limited circumstances, with their own lives to create a reliance on animal influenza (such as horses, sheep, cattle, chickens, dogs, etc.), for its own security against animals a fear (such as tigers, snakes), some more than human beings have a revered animal organ function flu (such as a dog's sense of smell, etc.), led to the emergence of animal worship. Lunar New Year is the 12 kinds of animals in the animal's original belief in worship under the influence of the used Jinian, Ji calendar of animals.
  Primitive worship of animals is also reflected in the Nuo dance original dance, the Nuo about stem from the Zhou Dynasty before and after the big ceremony held in the protagonist's and方相are twelve animal. Nuo Dance twelve selected drive beast, the animals are primitive reverence psychological performance. Grand ceremony held to select the twelve animals (or twelve of God) is to look after 12 month of the year in order to Ping'an month, the Quartet anatipestifer dispel ghosts, take care of 12 positions. 12 position on the course involves anaphora 12, so linked with the zodiac, in the drive Nuo ritual has been used twelve zodiac逢凶化吉of use. It can thus be seen twelve animal, the Chinese zodiac are the same strain, they are a common source of original animal worship.
  Mr. Liu Yaohan national experts consider the Chinese zodiac and the Yi "Twelve beast" Ji date and "October Calendar" law. Living in the Liangshan region of Sichuan Yi Tai, Ji animal has to twelve calendar date, 12 kinds of animals they Kishore day today for the rat, the day tomorrow for cattle, and so on for three months, including thirty 6 days, 36 days a month, a year for ten months, which is later "October Calendar" law. Mr. Liu Yaohan to think Ji twelve zodiac calendar date of October resulting from Yu era, (see Liu Han a "social history of the Yi people study Collected Works") and the original totem worship, and the Han Chinese zodiac is subject to "calendar in October," the impact of Yi twelve animal zodiac calendar for later development.
  Stresses the origin of Lunar New Year, Lunar New Year is bound to want to link with the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches. Modern unearthed in Yin Ruins in Anyang, China's oldest existing form of Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches in the Shang Dynasty have been skilled Ji day ease. With the passage of time after the function of the gradual diversification of Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, which act as a unit of time as the label, on the one hand expanded for Jinian; on the one hand, shrinking the time for discipline (12 hour day). According to historical records and studies have proved that Lunar New Year are following the "Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches Jinian Law" created after the emergence of 12 kinds of animals is the twelve Earthly Branches-one correspondence to animals signs Earthly Branches. Which the person was born in which year there is the Earthly Branches are assigned to the animals, resulting in 12 kinds of animals used Jinian, Ji-date and calculation of each individual zodiac. As can be seen, the Chinese zodiac and the twelve Earthly Branches are inseparable. Scholars have long found that 12 ancient word implies a Lunar New Year of the information, they will be with the 12 Chinese zodiac ancient word, compared to 12 found that the ancient characters and has some 12 kinds of animal contact. Careful observation can be found in which there are more or less the same place. Eastern Han Xu Shen, "Shuo Wen Jie Zi" that is mentioned in "have been" of pictographic characters for the snake, the same there, "Hai", "hog." Neighbor also verify the Oracle, Kim Moon-Lunar New Year in the Earthly Branches word with the word have similarities, it is conjecture, is whether the 12 Chinese zodiac animals象形字, because 12子丑c d mixed easily in mind, civil society will be used in place of 12 kinds of animals to animals by substituting ordinal number symbols, and the Earthly Branches match, becoming the symbol system Jinian. Although the above conjecture has a certain credibility, but the reflection can be judged, 12 are 12 kinds of animals can not be the象形字, because as already mentioned above 12 has been adept in the use of the Shang, and Lunar New Year are the Spring and Autumn Period only generated by the two sources are different. If the characters, the earthly branches associated with the Lunar New Year, the Lunar New Year and the Earthly Branches are at the same time not have it?
  To sum up, I believe that the generation born later than the twelve Earthly Branches, but with the twelve Earthly Branches inextricably relations, Lunar New Year is the twelve Earthly Branches attached to the Council, For those who choose the 12 kinds of animals as symbols in place of twelve Earthly Branches, also originated from the ancient worship of animals.
  [Edit this paragraph] The selection and Lunar New Year
  Chinese Lunar New Year in the choice of 12 kinds of animals is not complicated, it with the Han people's daily life and social life similar to be able to guess. Lunar New Year in 12 kinds of animals can be broadly divided into three categories: one category has been domesticated are the "six domestic animals", that is, cattle, sheep, horses, pigs, dogs, chickens, they are human beings for the purposes of economic or other domesticated , accounting for half of the 12 kinds of animals. "Six domestic animals" in China's farming culture is an important concept, has a long history in Chinese traditional concept of "six domestic animals thrive" represents a family人丁thrive better auspicious. Spring Festival, when people usually mention the "boom six domestic animals", so it has six domestic animals become a Lunar New Year are its inevitability. The second category is the wild animals are well known, and with day-to-day social life is closely related to animals, they are tiger, rabbit, monkey, mice, snakes, in which reverence for the people of the intervention of human life, such as tigers, snakes; also for people with repugnance, and taboo, but dependent on the survival of mankind Rodent; more people to love, such as rabbit, a monkey. The third category is the traditional Chinese symbolic mascot - long, long a symbol of the Chinese nation, is a characteristic of many animals in one of the "human creature", is to imagine the "objects of Hope." Auspicious dragon on behalf of wealth, is the most auspicious symbol of animal color, so long Lunar New Year more indispensable position.
  Zodiac Why no cats?

  Since ancient times, people of Chinese zodiac Why no cat there are diverse views, including the above story, as well as "cat and mouse", including the story, and so on, but are less than convinced that the.
  Why cats should not list? In fact, the real reason is that the Chinese in ancient times without the cat. Cats originated in Egypt, when cats were introduced to China has not test. Folklore is the Department of唐三藏back from India, but the cat came to China will not be so late. The ancient text known as the cat as "Pagumogonimus slave," such as Li Shangyin - "Yuanyang watts on Pagumogonimus slave sleep", so cats should be introduced to China earlier thing. One said now why there is no sign of the Zodiac Twelve cats, on the use of folk tales to explain. In fact, cats were introduced to China, China will have a zodiac. Therefore, there is no cat zodiac, not the least bit strange. In accordance with the classification of Zoology, tigers are mammals, carnivorous, feline. Tigers and cats, in fact, are "own" the pro-. With Tiger representatives, cat in the zodiac "Assembly", the have to worry about there is no "voice" is also worthy of masturbation of Mian.
  Lunar New Year can be seen from the above animals is not a random choice, but has a certain meaning, it was chosen because animals are different angles and with a certain sense.
  It is also 12 kinds of animals are in accordance with the order so what? In front of said signs have worship in the ancient animals, totem worship atmosphere, people are only animals to use on behalf of ordinal symbols matched with the Earthly Branches, why did you choose these ten two kinds of animals, who, after whom, according to what kind of chronological order and without any definite conclusion, as the Lunar New Year is the oldest in ancient cultures, due to the time of the ancient people have been lost with the original intention, the story of modern legends, such as only its by-laws will only depend on the legend and imagination. Lunar New Year with more or less on the issue has the following three areas.
  First, folklore of the Lunar New Year with the story.
  Han folk stories said: When the Yellow Emperor to choose Xuanyuan Twelve animals served as palace guards, cat care enrollment rats, mice to forget that the results of the cat is not selected, then formed with the rat enemy. Elephants also came to play, was a rat into the nose, giving off, and the remaining animals, originally headed by pushing cattle, mice are back窜到cattle, pigs also followed up trouble, so mice ranked first, pork chops Finally. Tiger and dragon refused to accept, has been called the king of the mountains and the sea king, came in the back of mice and cattle. Against rabbit again, and long race, the results of a long row in front. Dog also injustice, angrily biting the rabbit, for which a fine in the penultimate. Snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken has also been a contest, scheduled for 11 locations, and finally formed a rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig sequence . Legends of the problem is not a scientific explanation, but it reflects the Zodiac It is hoped that the choice of the desire to explain.
  Rat charm, 子鼠
  Ox patient, 丑牛
  Tiger sensitive, 寅虎
  Rabbit articulate, 卯兔
  Dragon healthy, 辰龙
  Snake deep, 巳蛇
  Horse popular, 午马
  Goat elegant, 未羊
  Monkey clever, 申猴
  Rooster deep thinkers, 酉鸡
  Dog loyalty, 戌狗
  Pig chivalrous. 亥猪
第1个回答  2009-02-14
Zodiac is a tradition of our country, followed by the former to the later are rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig. Lunar New Year each express a person's birth is a representative.
第2个回答  2009-02-14
第3个回答  2020-01-31