

「贫穷只是一个副作用」,传统基金会的分析师Robert Hector 写道,「相比于在完整的已婚家庭的孩子,单亲家庭成长的儿童更容易有情绪和行为问题;如身体受虐待;抽烟、酗酒和滥用药物;激进;参予暴力、违法及犯罪行为;学习成绩差;被学校开除;高中辍学。」
这并不是因为单亲父母一般都没有爱心、不称职或不参与孩子的生活。这是因为即使父母双存,抚养的孩子也是一项艰巨的任务,更莫说只是单亲。来自家中的压力并不会单独存在。对啊!它可能会导致经济困难,但亦可能是经济困难的结果。位于远南区的三一联合基督教会的主任牧师Otis Moss 说:「有工作的人倾向稳定的家庭生活。」 - 当就业机会变得稀缺,稳定的家庭亦变得稀缺。
失业的影响比比皆是。 「工作给人生活的意义」,Moss说,「养不起家的的男人被人看扁。」如果他们有孩子,特别是非婚生的,他们可能无法或不愿意为这些孩子提供经济上的支持,而孩子的妈的生活就失去倚靠。


Poverty is but one side effect. Writes analyst Robert Rector of the conservative Heritage Foundation: "When compared to children in intact married homes, children raised by single parents are more likely to have emotional and behavioral problems; be physically abused; smoke, drink, and use drugs; be aggressive; engage in violent, delinquent, and criminal behavior; have poor school performance; be expelled from school; and drop out of high school."
This is not because single parents are generally unloving, incompetent or uninvolved in their children's lives. It's because rearing kids, a tough task even for two parents, is far more formidable for only one. And stress at home doesn't exist in isolation. Yes, it can lead to economic hardship, but it can also be the result of such hardship. Otis Moss III, senior pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ on the Far South Side, says, "Men with jobs have a proclivity to be in stable households" — and when employment opportunities grow scarce, stable households grow scarce too.
The effects of joblessness abound. "Work gives people meaning," says Moss. "Men unable to provide are not viewed as men." If they have children, particularly out of wedlock, they may be unable or unwilling to provide financial support to those kids — and the mothers then may shut them out of their lives.
Children without fathers are at higher risk for all sorts of reasons. Boys and girls alike may suffer from not growing up with a model of how a man should behave. Based on his experience working with inmates, Moss says most of them have no relationship with their fathers. Ex-convicts, in turn, tend not to be good fathers or mothers themselves. Each generation's failures put the next one at a huge disadvantage. The disadvantages breed despair.
第1个回答  2015-05-06
not deserving