
广告语:1. 让你置身于梦幻的魔法世界中。2. 给你意想不到的惊喜。3. 最真切的体验。4. 感受魔法力量的神奇。5. 扩展孩子的视野6. 让童年更加丰富多彩7. 激发孩子的创造力 8. 为美好的童年生活添上一抹亮丽的色彩 9. 现实中的欢乐殿堂 10. 营造最温馨的乐园 11. 装扮出自己的个性 12. 给你最好的礼物13. 经典绝配,精美呈现。14.伴你成就美丽梦想。15.现实中的欢乐殿堂。16.多姿多彩的乐园。17. 给你一个美好的童年18. 给你想要的。19.时尚达人,时尚焦点 20. 多彩的童年,梦幻的乐园。

1 let you immersed in the dream of the wizarding world. 2. Give you unexpected surprises. 3. The true experience. 4. Feel magical power magic. 5. Expand the eyes of a child 6. Let childhood more colorful 7. Stimulate a child's creativity 8. For better childhood added with a beautiful color 9. The reality in the joy hall 10. Build the warmest paradise 11. Dress up out of their personality 12. Give you the best gift 13. Classic delicacies, beautifully displayed. 14. With your achievements beautiful dreams. 15. Real-life joy halls. 16. The colorful Eden. 17. To give you a nice childhood 18. Give you want. 19. Vogue amounts to a person, fashion focus 20. Colorful childhood, dream of paradise.