
主要剧情:居住在洛杉矶的野蛮小公主波比摩,爸爸送她到英国女子寄宿学校,希望她明白真正的友谊,明白别人对她的爱。刚到学校,她看不起同学、老师,没有朋友。波比为了重获自由,刻意破坏校规、恶作剧,希望那班保守的师生赶她出校!愿望尚未成真,波比却慢慢在新同学身上找到真正的自我;及后她更发现已过世的妈妈也曾是这儿的学生和曲棍球队队长!现在波比找到留下来的理由,却无端卷入了校园纵火事件,学籍岌岌可危……后来,波比通过同学的帮助,证明了自己不是纵火人。她star enjoying友谊的美好。波比和同学团结一致,获得曲棍球冠军。她为自己骄傲,父亲也为她骄傲!

第1个回答  2010-02-23
Savage living in Los Angeles, Princess Bobby Friction, and my father sent her to boarding school in England woman, hope she will understand the true friendship, and to understand other people's love for her. Just arrived in school, she looked down on students, teachers, no friends. Bobby regained his freedom in order to deliberately undermine the school regulations, mischief, hope that the conservative classes the teachers and students out of school time for her! Aspiration has yet to come true, Bobby has slowly be found in the new students to their true selves; and later she discovered her mother had died here, and students have a hockey team captain! Bobby is now to find the reason to stay, but no reason was involved in arson attack on campus, student status at risk ... ... Later on, Bobby through the help of the students proved that they are not fire people. Her star enjoying a beautiful friendship. Bobby and students together to obtain hockey championship. Her own pride, and her father for her proud!
第2个回答  2010-02-23
Living in Los Angeles savage than the little princess wave, dad send her to the British women boarding schools, hope she know true friendship, understand other people's love for her. Just to school, she looked schoolmate, teacher, no friends. Bobby to free, deliberately destroyed rules and mischief, hope that the conservative and cast her out of school! Wishes come true, but not in the new classmate slowly than on real self, And after her mother's death has more was the students here and hockey team captain! Now than finding the reason to wave, but the gratuitous involved in the campus, status is set... Later, by helping classmates bobby, proved himself not arson. She enjoying the beautiful star friendship. Bobby and classmates, hockey champion solidarity. She is proud that her father proud!本回答被提问者采纳