英语翻译,翻译机走开。 我们没能继续走下去的原因是因为我们彼此对生活的期望值不同。



The reason we couldn't continue to love is we have different require/expectations to life.

The reason our love couldn't continue is we have different require/expectations to life.

这句话的翻译重点就在于“在一起”和“期望值”两个词,“在一起”其实指的就是“相爱,相守”,直译为“在一起”不太妥当,应该翻译为“继续相爱”;我个人感觉,“对生活的期望值不同”一词其实最好的翻译是different require to life,“期望”其实在本句中不是真正的“期望”,本句语气中似乎隐隐约约含有一种“对生活的要求”之意,用expectations似乎不太符合语境,仔细思考之后,给出这两种翻译,希望能对你有所帮助。
第1个回答  2012-09-07
一个可以翻译为:our expectations of life
另一个: what we expect to life
或者为:we expect to life differently
1.We failed to continuously accompany each other because of the difference in our expectations of life.
2.We failed to continuouly accompany each other because what we expected to life is different.
3.We failed to continuously accompany each other because we expected to life differently.
第2个回答  2012-09-07

We weren't able to move on, because we have different expectations to life.
The reason why we weren't able to move on is that we have different expectations to life.

expectations 这里用复数指期望,而不带复数是期盼。本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2012-09-07

1.表示对生活的样态期望的不同:different expectation on the life to be
2.表示对生活的样态认知的不同:different perception on the life to be

第4个回答  2012-09-07
The reason why we cannot continue staying together is that we have different expectations of life.
