
1.It has been a great experience over the last few years playing badminton with this group. We learned a great new sport that we enjoy playing and it gave us an opportunity to create new friendships.

2.Over the course of the three years, we’ve heard many stories of how great this badminton club used to be. It is a shame that these fun opportunities are not a regular part of the badminton club anymore for us to enjoy. It would be nice to be a part of the fun and exciting badminton club that everyone remembers from previous years.

3.We heard there used to be a lot more members and people were always encouraging new players to join this group. We also heard that this badminton group was very close as a community and would be involved in social gathering outside of just playing badminton and the follow up dinner. This is a great idea and a great loss to everyone that there are not more social opportunities.

4.The group should be more than about just coming out twice a week to play badminton. It should be about friends getting together, be it for badminton, dinner, KTV, bowling or trips… it should be about friends sharing time together and having fun.

5.A group is not one person but everyone taking part, sharing and exchanging ideas and sharing the enthusiasm that can make a group special. I see the potential for our group to be a really fantastic group with great people… perhaps all we need is a little encouragement and direction.

6.We can make our badminton group special- one that other groups will be envious of and one that we can feel proud of that we’ll want to encourage others to join “our group”.

1.It has been a great experience over the last few years playing badminton with this group. We learned a great new sport that we enjoy playing and it gave us an opportunity to create new friendships.

2.Over the course of the three years, we’ve heard many stories of how great this badminton club used to be. It is a shame that these fun opportunities are not a regular part of the badminton club anymore for us to enjoy. It would be nice to be a part of the fun and exciting badminton club that everyone remembers from previous years.

3.We heard there used to be a lot more members and people were always encouraging new players to join this group. We also heard that this badminton group was very close as a community and would be involved in social gathering outside of just playing badminton and the follow up dinner. This is a great idea and a great loss to everyone that there are not more social opportunities.

4.The group should be more than about just coming out twice a week to play badminton. It should be about friends getting together, be it for badminton, dinner, KTV, bowling or trips… it should be about friends sharing time together and having fun.

5.A group is not one person but everyone taking part, sharing and exchanging ideas and sharing the enthusiasm that can make a group special. I see the potential for our group to be a really fantastic group with great people… perhaps all we need is a little encouragement and direction.

6.We can make our badminton group special- one that other groups will be envious of and one that we can feel proud of that we’ll want to encourage others to join “our group”.
第1个回答  2009-10-19

第2个回答  2009-10-19





第3个回答  2009-10-19