《青玉案·元夕》 英文版 网上翻译最后那一句翻译的不准


night lights a thousand trees in bloom
a shower of stars blown
by the east wind
ornate carriages drawn by gallant horses
filled the boulevards with a sweet fragrance
voice of the magic flute flowing
luster of the jade white urn turning
all night the fishes and the dragons danced
butterflies, willows, charms of gold
gone -- that angelic laughter, that subtle perfume
in the crowds for her I’d searched a thousand times
perchance I turned
and there she was
where lights were few and dim
-------------- END -----------------
The Poet:Xin Qiji (1140-1207),
one of the best poets of the Song dynasty,
was a general who had trained a powerful army and led
some very successful campaigns against the northern
invaders, but was repeatedly held back and dismissed
and reappointed by his emperor. Eventually, he retired
and died a frustrated warrior yet a very accomplished poet.
第1个回答  2011-05-11
To the Tune of Green Jade Plate

The Lantern Festival Night

by Qiji Xin

Night - lit with fireworks like flowers.
Sparkles - blown off like showers.
Horses, carriages, and roads scented with girl's powders.
Sounds of panpipes floating, light of the moon glowing,
A full eye of fish and dragon lanterns, a whole night with merry dancing.

She came wearing beautiful butterfly like, silver and gold headdress,
And left with pleasant laughters like a princess.
Among crowds I had seeked her a thousand times,
And by chance I looked round, only to see her
Beyond the thin and dim lights.

Translation by Sunrise

