《青玉案 元夕 》的英文翻译


《青玉案 元夕 》原文 。





英文翻译:Night lights a thousand trees in bloom.
Ashower of stars blown.
By the east wind.

Ornate carriages drawn by gallant horses.
Filled the boulevards with a sweet fragrance.
Voice of the magic flute flowing.

luster of the jade white urn turning.
All night the fishes and the dragons danced.

Butterflies, willows, charms of gold.
Gone -- that angelic laughter, that subtle perfume.

In the crowds for her I’d searched a thousand times.
Perchance I turnedand there she was.

Where lights were few and dim.
The Poet:Xin Qiji (1140-1207), 

One of the best poets of the Song dynasty,was a general who had trained a powerful army and led .

Some very successful campaigns against the northern.

Invaders, but was repeatedly held back and dismissedand reappointed by his emperor. Eventually, he retiredand died a frustrated warrior yet a very accomplished poet.

第1个回答  2019-02-25

Thousands of trees blossom in the east wind at night. More blown down, stars like rain. BMW carved cars are fragrant all over the road. Fengxiao sound, jade pot light turn, fish and dragon dance overnight.

Moth snow willow golden thread. Laughter is full of fragrance. But in the crowd once and again, I look for her in vain. Suddenly looking back, the man was there, the lights faded.





第2个回答  2020-02-05

night lights a thousand trees in bloom ,a shower of stars blown ,by the east wind ,ornate carriages drawn by gallant horses ,filled the boulevards with a sweet fragrance 
voice of the magic flute flowing ,luster of the jade white urn turning 。

all night the fishes and the dragons danced ,butterflies,willows,charms of gold ,gone -- that angelic laughter,that subtle perfume ,in the crowds for her I’d searched a thousand times ,perchance I turned ,and there she was ,where lights were few and dim ,The Poet:Xin Qiji (1140-1207)。

one of the best poets of the Song dynasty,was a general who had trained a powerful army and led ,some very successful campaigns against the northern invaders,but was repeatedly held back and dismissed ,and reappointed by his emperor.Eventually,he retired ,and died a frustrated warrior yet a very accomplished poet.

第3个回答  2009-07-26
night lights a thousand trees in bloom
a shower of stars blown
by the east wind
ornate carriages drawn by gallant horses
filled the boulevards with a sweet fragrance
voice of the magic flute flowing
luster of the jade white urn turning
all night the fishes and the dragons danced

butterflies, willows, charms of gold
gone -- that angelic laughter, that subtle perfume
in the crowds for her I’d searched a thousand times
perchance I turned
and there she was
where lights were few and dim

The Poet:Xin Qiji (1140-1207),

one of the best poets of the Song dynasty,

was a general who had trained a powerful army and led

some very successful campaigns against the northern

invaders, but was repeatedly held back and dismissed

and reappointed by his emperor. Eventually, he retired

and died a frustrated warrior yet a very accomplished poet.本回答被提问者采纳
第4个回答  2009-07-29

In the east wind tonight a thousand trees burst into bloom

And starts are blown down like rains;

The whole perfumed road is througed

With fine carriages and horses bright with gems;

Phoenix flutes make music,

The moon flashes,

Fish and dragon lanterns whirl the whole night long.

Golden willow and butterfly trinkets in her hair,

Laughing and chatting she leaves a faint fragrance behind.

A thousand times I search for her in the crowd

Discover her where the lantern lights are dim.