
他的箭术和我们相比,简直就是一天一地。 这句话深深的刺伤了纪昌的自尊心。如果要真是那样的话,要当天下独一无二的名射手,就就简直没有指望了。

该问题总共分成两部分(另一题在http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/78622494.html?quesup1) ,文章名字 不射之射,是一个经典的国产动画。参考可以去优酷网上查看。该问题总共分成两部分(另一题在http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/78622582.html),文章名字 <不射之射>,是一个经典的国产动画。参考可以去优酷网上查看。

In the spring and autumn period, the capital of zhao handan. A young man walking in the street, straightening thinking. And the name of the youth JiChang, he is a dream that one day become a marksmen. Zhongyuanfang
Now, to fly home JiChang point. Say, he's flying in the best striker. Handan He put the willow leaves painted red. Then in a hundred steps up an arrow, with arrow fly speed to shoot down beyond all red. JiChang decided to worship him.
To fly JiChang said, please accept my point for your apprentice. Fly, you will learn who said his bow and premature. In this before, you must learn to a few things, you will learn not wink. You learn to open their eyes, to find me.
Suddenly JiChang thought of a idea. His wife felt very awkward. Husband: how to me from this perspective? But whether those JiChang, he ordered his wife hurry. Weaving
Two years later, a set of JiChang finally LianChu without blinking. Even to the dust in his eyes, nose and can sleep in the night all night can shut their eyes.
He felt very satisfied, he hurried to master report. But who said, do you want to fly, but also learn bow far? The words on the sesame, can you see? Henceforth, you have to learn how to look, the small as big, this is called JianWeiZhiZhu. That when you come to see me.
The sight of a light, JiChangJiao remembered an idea. "Come, you sold me. Insects. "Huh? Lice.". A beggar. Strange, the world have such things, and what to buy vermin. . .
The idea to JiChang, with a long hair is facing the gnats on the window of the south. All eyes a gaze at it. JiChang perseverance at fall in the window of insects. Lice changed how did not know. . . Look, look. Three years later. Arrows without any bad penetrated the heart, and lice haven't touched with the hairs. Insects
The good news to JiChang immediately told master. The teacher said. Fly to stand guard at 100 paces JiChang outside to shoot the willow leaves. "Good" fly who was very happy.
From this day, who started flying like JiChang imparted the mystery archery. The progress of the amazing JiChang faster. After a month. Fly to practise individuals who JiChang, shoot.
Fly to guard JiChang said, now I have nothing to teach you, the reinforcement of Massachusetts Yang stem bow gave you, you are already known the striker.
The master said, "I have is the famous striker. But! He did not say, I am days. The generation of striker I want to become the unique striker, I want to become the unique striker, I'll be the unique striker.
Opportunities will come soon, one day. Go to the wild JiChang occasionally, he suddenly saw in the distance, master came to him alone.
JiChang began to master attack! The arrow flew out, but has been shot JiChang and one.
JiChang felt ashamed, who are disburden, because he is finally out of the crisis, and to his archery was very satisfied. The hatred has vanished. Who said, you will fly to the apex at archery, emeishan a name of GSH LaoShiFu, his archery, compared with us, it is a day.
Leave immediately to mount emei JiChang set out.
His archery, compared with us, it is a day. This sentence deep hurt JiChang self-esteem. If so, the unique day, it is simply striker is hopeless.
Disciple calling the master. Hear the voice, wizened JiChang come back. The old man seemed to have more than one hundred years. In order to show yourself, do not stay JiChang requirements of strong man to see his bow.
Seems to be shot. But after all, it is just the shot just shoot. Look, the hero doesn't know not the shoot. Shoot Don't shoot the shot? That is what happened?
Come with me, the old man walked to the top left JiChang it. ? In this stone, you just show the shot skill, and how?
Hoho, ok, let me tell you. What is a real shot. Master? Why don't you take bow. Bow? Ha ha ha, it just shot to bow the shoot. Neither bow, nor shoot arrows, and that's not the shoot.
JiChang very surprised, feel alive today really see the deep archery.
In the old man there is a JiChang living is nine years.
Nine years later, from mount emei JiChang saw him, however, are amazed. His face completely changed, before the pithy competitive expression, no longer exists. Now people see, a gentle charity cockfighting.
The handan city are boiling, people are looking forward to see zhongyuanfang striker martial art, to learn the nine JiChang bow, must be god, wonderful charm.
Who seek to fly JiChang, who see a flying JiChang face, he cried out very surprised. Aye, this is true, the first day, my generation is that a meaningless.
With this ignoring JiChang seems all thoughts. No before all the shine. But then many legends in but not by and between people.
A thief, his frankly. One evening. He wants to steal into the night while JiChangGu. Suddenly a shot from JiChangGu HanGuang. Thief: oh, a voice from the wall fell down. In addition a live in nearby, said the merchant JiChangGu one evening, he saw in his home JiChang above, suddenly he took his bow, with the ancient marksmen, hou yi, the ratio, together.

The idea is forty, holding hands not bow of striker became the man of pride handan. Due to JiChang said, to say, for silent, for not to shoot at.
In the years before JiChang died. He should be a friend invited to HaoShang his visit. At the door, he saw a thing, that he felt before seems to be seen. Then he asked, this. . What, do you use. Master thought, guest kidding XiaoErBuDa. However old JiChang really very serious, he asked again. Master, the old man was wondering what he think. When asked to JiChang after three times, master felt something was wrong. Face the staggering hurriedly, called. Aye! Signior, this is your past the bow. The striker zhongyuanfang you how to forget their bows are even, he is doing what have escaped? . .
Early in the cast aside to shoot his mind was very quiet, old wealth. Just like the smoke so JiChang her off, but in people's ear, but it has echoed with his which words. Don't shoot the shoot. . . .
Since then, for a long time, handan city is ashamed of warriors WuJian bow.
第1个回答  2008-12-11
His arrow skill and we are compared with each other , are are distance of one one day simply. This words deeply self-respect having stabbed and wounded Ji Chang. If needing to be really like that, need the unique marksman, has not to hoped that right away right away simply under that very day. The disciple pays a formal visit to a master. The sound , old man hearing Ji Chang go beyond the limit time coming. This old people seems to have exceeded more than 100-year-old already. For the ability demonstrating self,Ji Chang is not allowed to wait for urgently requiring that the old people takes a look at his bow skill. Looking to stream into, is a meeting have streamed into. This just shoots that on however in the final analysis, stream into. It seems that the hero does not know not shooting that on shooting a bar on. Do not shoot that on stream into? Does that what's all this about after all? And, coming me, the old people tells this Ji Chang to walk away toward mountaintop. Well? On this piece of stone, skill performing your moment ago streaming into again, how? Breathe out on haw-haw , let me come to tell you well well. What is called real streaming into. Master? Why you do not have no way with bow. Bow? Ha ha-ha, need to bend talking that about however stream into that have streamed into. Both do not need a bow and, do not need an arrow, that shouts just now not shooting that on stream into. Ji Chang is amazed feel self has seen the arrow skill depth in a lively way just now really to today extremely. Ji Chang lives as long as 9 years in that old people there. Ji Chang gets upperer from Emei Mountain for 9 years hereafter, but the people who sees him all feels very stunned. His facial feature has changed completely , in the previously has been that pithy and poignant the expression having a desire to excel, has already had gone with the wind. People now is seen , is is that a pair is mild charitable look being in harmony with the rest of the world. The entire Handan city has all been boiling , people has all been expecting the skill in wushu taking a look at the land under heaven first marksman , Ji Chang has been going to have learned 9 years , has been that the god bends charm , marvellous affirmatively can be matchless. When Ji Chang goes to pay a formal visit to Fei Wei, one Fei Wei seeing Ji Chang face, surprised extremely start having started shouting. Ei ah, this is really peerless past master Oh , people of our group are so far behind that one can only see the dust of the rider ahead really,. Intention not paying attention to everybody originally as if Ji Chang following. Without any meaning making an exhibition of one's abilities or skills before everybody. But, that legend having quite a few but hereafter passing through not but walking between people. Have petty thief , self to confess saying. Have a day evening. He wants to commit theft while the dim light of night slips into Ji Chang Jia . Have a chilly glitter to have shot get out on from Ji Chang Jia suddenly. The petty thief ah me one has lost right away from on the wall. Have a businessman who lives within an inch of Ji Chang Jia say evening , one day besides, he sees Ji Chang with own eyes in self home sky, come taking up a bow suddenly in one's hands, with the ancient magical marksman , queen monarch Yi , Yang Youji , together demonstration of and competition in military skills. Be that forty ideas pass away, hand does not hold the bow marksman having become pride of entire Handan people. Ji Chang said , being till the word is wordless , or not till acting as, stream into extremely for not streaming into. The first several passing away in Ji Chang is annual. He is at the invitation of heroic one business friend , goes round his family to be a guest. He sees a piece of thing in entrance , is to have seen seemingly before he feels that thing. He asks about thereupon right away, this. . What thing to be , what to act as using. The host believes the guest is joking , just only smiled and made no reply. Aged Ji Chang has been indeed very conscientious but , he has asked about one time. The host feels pay have been tonguetied, this old man, he is thinking of some what. After that Ji Chang arrives at three time cross-examining, betoken talented person having felt a thing being abnormal. Come out in the face stunned that color, shouts road hurriedly. Ei ah old gentleman, this is the bow that you had used in the past. How you have also been forgot the peerless marksman including the bow , been what to act as using including him being unable to remember? . . For a long time, the old people state of mind archery is thrown in one side is very calm , he is in harmony with the rest of the world. Move towards such Ji Chang Ru cigarette but by people's ear being like rosy clouds's having left the world,all the time echo lets his speak about but. Do not shoot that on stream into. . . . Herefrom , very long period of time, disgrace what all bends Handan city Singhs performing a sword-dance.
第2个回答  2008-12-25
第3个回答  2008-12-17