
如题,想要其中的对白,要英文的,中英文都有那最好.就算是只有其中的一小段也可以,开学要交了,希望有对白的人帮帮我,给个网址或是直接回复都行.thank you very much

“It's changed up there.The storm is coming, Harry. Just like last time.”
The Ministry of Magic, wishes to make an announcement:“Dolores Umbridge as High Inquisitor will address the following standards at Hogwarts school...”
“Things of Hogwarts, are far worse than i feared...”Umbridge开始讲话
“Harry you will be stopped for the...”Harry沿火车慢慢走,有人在轻声讲话
“You have been told that a certain dark wizard is enlarged once again”
“Harryyyy~~~~”Voldemort 出现了
“It's a lie!”Umbridge犯贱
“Ii's not a lie, I saw him.”Harry据理力争
“Minister, the dark lord's return is incontrovertible”Dumbledore说
“He is not back!”Minister说
“Dolores Umbridge has replaced Albus Dumbledore as Head of Hogwart...”
The dark lord approaches...
“He wants to build up his army again”
“If Voldemort is building up an army, then I want to fight”Harry斩钉截铁的说
“It's your turn now.”天狼星对harry说
This year...
“we form some sort of wizard army”Ron说
“If they can do it...Why not us?”Harry说
...doom would rise...
“I will have Order”
...and the rebellion...
“The ministry should've fought the war with its own forces.”Hagrid说。
...will begin...
“Pretty exciting isn't it, breaking the rules.”Hermione说。
“Are you what we called Hermione Granger?”Ron顶嘴。
From Warner Brothers' pictures...
“Stop fighting Harry, you can't win.”Dumbledore说
“Look at me!”Harry说。
“You will lose, everything”Voldemort说
...Harry Porter and the Order of the Phoenix.