
Manyscripts by Shakespeare have some correlation with fundamentals brought up byConfucius. The most used of the Shakespeare books is Hamlet and the Merchantfrom Venice.Confucian justice demands good to prevail overevil, and reward must be evident on this earth and not merely promised in ahereafter. The importance of familial ties and virtuous personal conduct arethe features of Hamlet that are congruent with Confucian values. Also Confuciusimplores, ‘Conduct the funeral of your parents with meticulous care,’ and thatis evident later on when Hamlet follows the kings call for vengeance afterClaudius’ perfidy was revealed to him. In the Hamlet book the Fate that Hamletexpresses in the following memorable lines: ‘There is specialprovidence in the fall of a sparrow. If it [death] be now, yet it will come.’Shakespeare’s ‘the readiness is all’ and Confucius’‘Hehas not lived in echoes of Confucius reverberate in Hamlet, yet we cannotentirely say Shakespeare is a “Confucius Hero”.

Many scripts by Shakespeare have some correlation with fundamentals brought up by Confucius. The most used of the Shakespeare books is Hamlet and the Merchant from Venice. Confucian justice demands good to prevail over evil, and reward must be evident on this earth and not merely promised in a hereafter.
The importance of familial ties and virtuous personal conduct are the features of Hamlet that are congruent with Confucian values. Also Confucius implores, ‘Conduct the funeral of your parents with meticulous care,’ and that is evident later on when Hamlet follows the king’s call for vengeance after Claudius’ perfidy was revealed to him.
In the Hamlet book the Fate that Hamlet expresses in the following memorable lines: ‘There is special providence in the fall of a sparrow. If it [death] be now, yet it will come.’ Shakespeare’s ‘the readiness is all’ and Confucius’ ‘He has not lived in echoes’ reverberate in Hamlet, yet we cannot entirely say Shakespeare is a “Confucius Hero”.
第1个回答  2013-06-12
莎士比亚有一些基本面的相关性长大的。最常用莎士比亚的书是“哈姆雷特”和“,正义要求Merchantfrom Venice.Confucian好为准,并奖励必须在这个地球上是显而易见的,而不是仅仅在承诺。重视家族关系和良性个人行为正像空功能的“哈姆雷特”与儒家价值观是一致的。又进行无微不至的照顾你的父母的葬礼,“以后大批量明显,当哈姆雷特如下国王呼吁复仇背信弃义揭发他。在哈姆雷特书的命运以下难忘行:“有一只麻雀在秋季的。如果[死亡]现在,但它会来的。“莎士比亚的”准备就绪“是所有”和孔子“Hehas没有住在孔子的回声回荡在哈姆雷特,,但我们说莎士比亚是一个”孔子英雄“。
第2个回答  2013-06-13

第3个回答  2013-06-12
