

第1个回答  2011-10-20
1. 合和中心二期 was approved to bulid by the 成规 in 1994
( 合和中心二期 和 成规 都是专有名词,你要找找,看看你们的资料上怎么叫的。 而且什么是城规)
2. 合和中心二期 was located in between 合和中心 and 船街 (这个也是专业名, 如果没有规定 你可以翻译成 Chuan street )
3. the project will be further to develop湾仔区 (这个也是专业名, 如果没有规定 你可以翻译成 Wanzai suburb 或者 Wanzai area ) and improve the city environment.

Progress of Project
1,城规会(这个也是转有的,下载公司下面都有英文名字了。) has approved the project of 合和中心二期 in Feb 1994
2,屋宇署 has approved building plan in May 1994
3,合和 has successfully buied all 私人物业 (什么是私人物业, 房产? 你要自己找 我翻译为private properties)in the Project site in Jan,2004
4,合和中心 has approved revised project in Nov. 2008 and to sharply cut the project scale

Benefit of the project.
1) To create employment opportunities
to increase 4000 employment opportunities to Hotel, Retail, construction and other industries.
2) competitiveness of the tourism industry in Hong Kong
合伙中心二期项目 gives lecture in Hong Kong.it wil increase competitive power of local tourism, because of providing hotel.
3) To drive business activities
合伙中心二期项目(专有名词 这个你需要和那个项目确认下 否则就是乱翻译了) have further to emphasize the status of a business, entertainment, tourism and shopping center in 湾仔区(这个也需要你自己去找专业的名字).
4) To improve the city environment
it has a park that is more than 6oooo square feet, the park is used by pubilic. in additional, "plan to plant trees " makes trees grow
5) To improve road facilities
building pedestrian bridge of the elevator (什么是升降机啊?! 是电梯的一种吗! 如果是的话就是elevator 。 我找升降机的出来的都是电梯的意思, 说是电椅的一种。)
