
1.必须强迫她遵守这些原则:She___ ___ ___ ___ ___obey these rules.2.你有没有想过戒酒?Have you ever thought of ___ ___ ___?3.我要早早睡觉,这样我就能早起(用so that造)4.每个人都给我们帮了忙,所以工作提前完成了(so)5.我并不是因为下雨才回来,而是因为我累了(because,because of)6.他是一个幽默的人,我们都喜欢和他讲话(such...that)7.由于时间晚了,我现在该回家了(since)8.因为我对此事一无所知,我只好保持沉默(as)9.准备下车吧,我们快到了(for)10.客人成双成对地来了(in couples)11.这个故事在这个地区世代相传(from one generation to another)12.简穿的是棕色衣服,而玛丽穿的是蓝色衣服(be dressed in)13.她在特殊场合才带钻石(on special occasions)14.风吹得树来回摇晃(back and forth)

1. She has to be forced to obey these rules.2. Have you ever thought of abstaining from alcohol?3. I need to sleep early so that I can get up early.4. Everyone gave us help, so the work was finished ahead of time.5. I am coming back not because of rain but because I am tired.6. He is such a humorous person that we all like to talk to him.7. Since it is late, I should go home now.8. As I know nothing about this, I can only keep silence.9. Prepare to get off, for we are almost there.10. Guests are coming in couples.11. This story is passed in this region from one generation to another.12. Jane is dressed in brown, while Mary is dressed in blue.13. She wears diamond only on special occasions.14. The wind is blowing the tree back and forth. 不知道怎样向你推荐这些答案。只希望楼主能正确判断,最后记得采纳满意的答案。
第1个回答  2013-12-28
She ought to be forced to obey these rules.Have you ever thought of giving up drinking?I go to sleep early so that i can get up early.Everyone helped us, so we finished the woork in advance.i came back not because of the rain, but because i was very tired.He is such a humorous man that we all like to talk with him.Since it is late now, i have to go home.As i know little about it, i had better keep silent.It is time for us to prepare to get off the bus.Those guests are coming in couples.This story is passed from one generation to another in this area.Jane is dressed in brown, while Mary is dressed in blue.She wears diamands only on special occasions.The wind makes those trees shaking back and forth.
第2个回答  2013-12-28
she Have you ever thought of giving up drinking?i should go to bed early so that i can get up early.Everyone gives an hand to us, so work could be finished ahead of timei came not because it was raining, but because of being tired.He is such a humorous man that we all like to talk with him.since time is late, i should go home now.as i know nothing about this matter, i had to to be silence.Prepare for getting out for Guests come in couplesThe story is told from one generation to another先给你发这些不好编辑了,是按顺序的本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2013-12-28
第一个比较难点,我猜ought to be forced to.2giving up drinking
第4个回答  2013-12-28
你去下载个金山词霸 里面可以查的出