

1.事情的发展程度超出了人们的能力The degree of business development beyond people's ability.
2.他的情况很艰难,从而产生了一个不好的想法His situation is so hard to produce a bad idea.
3.我无法想象这件事会经常发生在他身上I cannot believe that it alwways happens to him.
4.可能发生的问题,最终还是发生了The problems may happen happened finally.
5.他提到他的感觉被这种不同的客观状态所改变He mentioned that his feeeling wsa changed by this different objective conditions .
第1个回答  2012-10-01
1. The development of this thing is beyond people's ability.
2.He gets involved in a hard circumstance and as a result,he comes up with a bad idea .
3.I can't imagine that such a thing is always happening to him.
4.What may happen finally happened.
5.He mentioned that his feelings were changed by this disparate objective state.

第2个回答  2012-10-01
The degree of development of things have been beyond man‘s power.
He is in a very hard condition, so then coming up with a bad idea.
I can never image this has just happened to him.
The possible problem eventually has happened.
He mentioned that his feeling has been changed by the different objective conditions。
第3个回答  2012-10-01
The way things worked out was out of man's control.
He was having a hard time and came up with a bad idea afterwards.
I can't imagine such a thing would happen to him.
Eventually,the problem that might occur happened anyway.
He mentioned that his feeling had been changed by the different objective status.
第4个回答  2012-10-01
(1) The development degree of things beyond the people's ability.
(2) He is very difficult, so as to produce a bad idea.
(3) I can't imagine it often happens on him.
(4)Possible problems, finally happened.
(5) He mentioned his feeling is this different objective conditions change.