

首先,它被用作连词。它的意思是“虽然”,大致同义,可以互换,只是“虽然”比“虽然”更正式:虽然我们很穷,但我们仍然很快乐。虽然我们很穷,但我们仍然很快乐。第二,用作副词不同。虽然一般不用作副词,但通常放在句首。While though可以做副词,一般放在句末(不是句首),表示“但是”和“但是”:不过,你可以指望他。但是你可以相信他。第三,用于不同的成语虽然不能用在固定短语中,如as as if(好像,好像),even when(即使):她闭上眼睛,好像累了。她闭上眼睛,好像累了。一站式出国留学攻略
第1个回答  2020-01-06
第2个回答  推荐于2018-05-09
1. although较正式,语气强
Although he was tired, he went on working.
2. although引导的从句放在主句前后均可,有时还可放在句中。
Although many difficulties are still ahead, we are determined to make greater achievements. 尽管在前面的道路上还有许多困难,但是,我们决心要取得更大的成就。
He often helps me with my English although he is quite busy. 尽管他相当忙,但是还常常帮我学英语。
3. although引导的从句不能与but, however连用,但可与yet, still连用。不能说:Although he was old, but he worked hard. 应把but去掉。当然,保留but而去Although也可。

注意:although 的几不:
although不能指假设的情况 although不能作并列连词

although的用法although意思相当于though(尽管,虽然),用来引导让步状语从句。它所引导的从句不能与并列连词but,and,so等连用,但可以和yet,still等词连用。如: ①although the book was old, we decided to buy it.尽管这本书很旧,我们还是决定买。
②there is air all around us, although we cannot see it.虽然我们看见空气,空气却存在于我们的周围。
③although princeton has a world-famous university, it is still a small quiet town.普林斯顿虽然有一所世界闻名的大学,但仍然是个安静的小镇。

记住,在学习连接词时,一定要弄明白他们是连接副词还是连接代词,连接副词就是副词,不作句子主要成分,连接代词要做句子成分,考试最喜欢考连接代词不仅有连接作用,而且还在从句中充当主语,表语、定语等句子成分。常见连接代词有 who , whom , whose which , what , whatever , whoever连接副词除了连接从句外,还在从句中作状语。常见连接副词有 when , where , why , how。本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2016-02-14
  although和though的区别主要是:although 较正式,多用于句首。though多用于非正式场合; though 可用于倒装句中;though 可作副词,表示“然而”,放在句末或其它位置。例如:
  1、Although(Though) he is in pool health,(yet) he works hard.
  =He is in poor health,but he works hard.
  2、Even though he feels tired,he is still working on.
  3、Young though he is, he is quiote experienced.
  4、he said he won't come;he didn't,though.