talk to和talk with的区别是什么?


"Talk to" 强调信息的传递方向是从说话者到对方,可能并不强调对方的回应;"talk with" 则强调双方之间的对话和交流,强调双向的交流和互动。在很多情况下,这两个短语可以互换使用,具体使用要根据语境和表达意图来选择合适的短语。

大家可以先看下面的表格了解一下 talk to和talk with 吧:

"Talk to" 和 "Talk with" 的区别:

区别1: 对象与交流方式

    "Talk to" 通常用于表示一种单向的交流,强调信息的传递方向,即从说话者传达给接收者。它可以用于与一个人或多个人交谈,也可以用于与动物或非生物实体交谈。


a. She talked to her friend about the party. (她与她的朋友谈论了聚会。)

b. The teacher is talking to the students about their assignments. (老师正在和学生们讨论他们的作业。)

    "Talk with" 强调与某人进行双向的交流和对话,暗示更加平等、互动性的对话。


a. He enjoys talking with his colleagues during lunchtime. (他喜欢在午餐时间与同事们交谈。)

b. They are talking with the expert to get some advice. (他们正在与专家交谈,以获得一些建议。)

区别2: 场合和正式程度

    "Talk to" 有时可以显得比较正式或指示某种权威关系,尤其当上级与下属交谈时。


a. The manager talked to the employees about the new policy. (经理向员工谈论新政策。)

b. The principal talked to the students about the upcoming event. (校长向学生谈论即将到来的活动。)

    "Talk with" 更加通用,用于各种正式和非正式场合。


a. She talked with her mother about her plans for the weekend. (她与她的妈妈谈论了周末的计划。)

b. They talked with the customer to understand their needs. (他们与顾客交谈,了解他们的需求。)

区别3: 方式和目的

    "Talk to" 可以暗示有时目的是传达信息、下达指令或做出决定。


a. The CEO talked to the employees about the company's restructuring. (首席执行官向员工谈论了公司的重组。)

b. He talked to his team to set clear goals for the project. (他与团队交谈,为项目设定清晰的目标。)

    "Talk with" 通常强调与对方进行讨论、分享意见或建立联系。


a. They talked with the neighbors about the community issues. (他们与邻居们讨论社区问题。)

b. I need to talk with my colleagues to gather their feedback. (我需要与同事们交谈,收集他们的反馈。)

区别4: 习惯用法和语域

    "Talk to" 在某些地区更常见,而且在口语和书面语中都常用。


a. In some cultures, children are taught to talk to their elders with respect. (在一些文化中,孩子们被教导要尊敬地与长辈交谈。)

b. Can you please talk to the customer and resolve the issue? (你能请与顾客交谈并解决问题吗?)

    "Talk with" 在某些地区或特定语境中更为普遍,尤其在北美英语中较常见。


a. He prefers to talk with his friends openly about his feelings. (他更喜欢与朋友们坦率地谈论他的感受。)

b. The counselor talked with the students about their career aspirations. (辅导员与学生们谈论了他们的职业愿望。)
