

although 只起连词作用,不充当句子的成分,例如:

    Although he is known to only a few, his reputation among them is very great. 虽然知道他的人不多,但他在这些人中名声却很响。

    Although I was only six, I can remember seeing it on TV.  虽然那时我只有6岁,我依然记得在电视上见过它。

    Although they're expensive, they last forever and never go out of style...  尽管价格昂贵,但它们经久耐用,永不过时。

however 是副词,既起连词作用,也充当句子成分,例如:

    You should always strive to achieve more, however well you have done before.   无论之前取得何等辉煌的成就,都应该不断努力进取。【修饰副词 well】

    However hard she tried, nothing seemed to work.    ä¸ç®¡å¥¹æ€Žä¹ˆåŠªåŠ›ï¼Œå¥½åƒéƒ½æ— æµŽäºŽäº‹ã€‚【修饰副词 well】

    However we adopt health care reform, it isn't going to save major amounts of money.  ä¸ç®¡æˆ‘们采取何种医疗改革措施,都省不下太多钱。 【本身就是程度状语】
