



Pisa in Italy Tuscan province north of the city of Pisa pizza cathedral. Dates back to 1173, designed for vertical construction, but the project is due to start soon after uneven ground soil soft and uneven toward 1372 completion, minus its tilt toward the southeast.
Pisa Leaning Tower of Pisa city is the symbol of 1987 it and adjacent cathedral, Baptist church, cemetery together because of the 11th and 14th centuries Italy huge impact on the art of architecture, and by the UN's education, scientific and cultural organization named world heritage.
Built in history
Pisa in Italy by renowned architect, repair BoNaNuo PiSaNuo host built. Beginning, high tower design for 100 meters, but after starting from the three towers, 6 to tilt, until completion continues on its tilt, before closing the south tower leans (i.e., has deviated from vertical line) 3.5 m. In 1990, the Italian government will begin their close, renovation.
In practice, a professor of medieval historians study PiLuoDi Pisa, build towers that each stone was a piece of stone, brick and stone, brick and stone, brick adhesive is clever, between the concrete-encased effectively prevents the tilt of the fracture caused by Leaning Tower, the Leaning Tower as a factor.
Most concerned about the fate of tower is natural, although they also Pisa leaning on the tilt worried, but more and more are pride of his hometown, a thought can be matched with world famous buildings are proud of the Leaning Tower. They believe that it doesn't fall, they have such a phrase, like pizza as Pisa tower sturdy, never fall.
In the past, people used to believe that tower was deliberately designed to tilt, but people now clearly know that is not the case.

The reasons and tilt
For centuries, the tower of tilt problem has attracted curious visitors, artists and scholars, make Pisa is well known in the world.
Why would tilt Pisa, experts have debated endlessly. At the beginning of the 20th century, with more and more accurate measurement of Pisa, the use of advanced equipment of foundation soil, and the further investigation of archival research, some facts gradually surfaced in the initial Pisa: this is the design of the building, but in vertical built early start from the correct position.
The Pisa lean, is due to the particularity of its foundation soil caused below. Pisa with several layers of different materials, various kinds of soft soil deposits and the powder of soft clay and very deep, but in the form of a meter place is the underground water. This conclusion is on the ground soil ingredients were observed. The latest mining, building in the ancient tower, soil in the coastal edge construction has desertification and sink.
According to the existing written records, Pisa in several centuries of tilt is slow, it and its foundation in the soil below to some extent.

From the foundation to the tower of Pisa 58.36 meters high, from the ground to 55 meters high tower clock, wall on the ground 4.09 meters, the width is in 2.48 meters wide, tower weighs about 14453 tons, about 10% of the tilt, i.e., from outside the foundation 5.5 2.3 meters along on top, outstanding 4.5 meters.
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Galileo's free fallers experiment
Legend, was born in 1590 Pisa's Italian physicist Galileo, once in Pisa in free fall, two experiments of different weights from the same height and ball down, the ball at the same time, two of free fall, and found that the overthrow Aristotle first heavy objects will reach the ground with its head, the speed is proportional to the mass of the view.
Whether to Galileo in Pisa done free fallers experiment, history there have been two different kinds of support or oppose the view.
According to records, one year in 1612 Pisa done on the experiment, but he is to make the experiment and rebuttal Galileo, result is two goals didn't also reach the ground.
In the world's heritage
April 1987, international council of heritage sites nominated Pisa in Italy (including the miracle square cathedral, baptism church, the Leaning Tower of Pisa cemetery) for the world heritage
第1个回答  2009-05-06
第2个回答  2009-05-06
The Tower of Pisa (La Torre di Pisa) is the campanile, or freestanding bell tower, of the cathedral of the Italian city of Pisa. It is situated behind the cathedral and is the third oldest structure in Pisa's Piazza del Duomo (Cathedral Square) after the cathedral and the baptistery.
Although intended to stand vertically, the tower began leaning to the southeast soon after the onset of construction in 1173 due to a poorly laid foundation and loose substrate that has allowed the foundation to shift direction. The tower presently leans to the southwest.
The height of the tower is 55.86 m (183.27 ft) from the ground on the lowest side and 56.70 m (186.02 ft) on the highest side. The width of the walls at the base is 4.09 m (13.42 ft) and at the top 2.48 m (8.14 ft). Its weight is estimated at 14,500 metric tons (16,000 short tons). The tower has 296 or 294 steps; the seventh floor has two fewer steps on the north-facing staircase. The tower leaned at an angle of 5.5 degrees, but after the restoration works between 1990 and 2001 the tower leans at an angle of 3.99 degrees. This means that the top of the tower is 3.9 metres (12 ft 10 in) from where it would stand if the tower were perfectly vertical.
There has been controversy about the real identity of the architect of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. For many years, the design was attributed to Guglielmo and Bonanno Pisano,a well-known 12th-century resident artist of Pisa, famous for his bronze casting, particularly in the Pisa Duomo. Bonanno Pisano left Pisa in 1185 for Monreale, Sicily, only to come back and die in his home town. A piece of cast with his name was discovered at the foot of the tower in 1820, but this may be related to the bronze door in the façade of the cathedral that was destroyed in 1595. However recent studies[12] seem to indicate Diotisalvi as the original architect due to the time of construction and affinity with other Diotisalvi works, notably the bell tower of San Nicola (Pisa) and the Baptistery in Pisa. However, he usually signed his works and there is no signature by him in the bell tower which leads to further speculation.
Galileo Galilei is said to have dropped two cannon balls of different masses from the tower to demonstrate that their speed of descent was independent of their mass. This is considered an apocryphal tale, and the only source for it comes from Galileo's secretary.
During World War II, the Allies discovered that the Nazis were using it as an observation post. A U.S. Army sergeant was briefly entrusted with the fate of the tower and his decision not to call in an artillery strike saved the tower from destruction.

Lead counterweights
On February 27, 1964, the government of Italy requested aid in preventing the tower from toppling. It was, however, considered important to retain the current tilt, due to the vital role that this element played in promoting the tourism industry of Pisa.A multinational task force of engineers, mathematicians and historians was assigned and met on the Azores islands to discuss stabilization methods. It was found that the tilt was increasing in combination with the softer foundations on the lower side. Many methods were proposed to stabilize the tower, including the addition of 800 metric tones of lead counterweights to the raised end of the base.[16]
In 1987, the tower was declared as part of the Piazza dei Miracoli UNESCO World Heritage Site along with the neighboring cathedral, baptistery and cemetery.
On January 7, 1990, after over two decades of work on the subject, the tower was closed to the public. While the tower was closed, the bells were removed to relieve some weight, and cables were cinched around the third level and anchored several hundred meters away. Apartments and houses in the path of the tower were vacated for safety. The final solution to prevent the collapse of the tower was to slightly straighten the tower to a safer angle, by removing 38 cubic meters of soil from underneath the raised end. The tower was straightened by 45 centimeters, returning to the exact position that it occupied in 1838. After a decade of corrective reconstruction and stabilization efforts, the tower was reopened to the public on December 15, 2001, and has been declared stable for at least another 300 years.
In May 2008, after the removal of another 70 metric tons of earth, engineers announced that the Tower had been stabilized such that it had stopped moving for the first time in its history. They stated it would be stable for at least 200 years.


第3个回答  2009-05-06