

I. Unscramble these words. 整理这些单词 (5分)
illw _________________
guhotth _________________
dma _________________
disa _________________
luwod _________________
II. 用所给单词的正确形式填空,完成句子。(5分)
1. I don't like _______ letters. (write)
2. I _______ with my brother yesterday morning. (argue)
3. My parents want me _______ at home every day. ( stay)
4. I always thought I ________ popular at school, (be)
5. Could you please give me some _______ on how to learn English? (advice)
III.Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box.。(10分)
writing sorry call maybe talk

A: I had an argument with my cousin. What should I do?
B: Why don’t you (1) _________him up?
A: No, I don’t really want to (2)_____________ about it on the phone.
B: ___________(3) you should write him a letter.
A:I don’t like______________(4) letter.
B: Well, I think you should say you’re____________(5)
A: Yes, I know I should, but…
Number the sentences to make a conversation:(排序)5分
1. ___B___ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______ 6.______
A: Maybe you could play basketball at the gym.
B: I think I’m going to ride my bike .
C: If you do, you’ll be uncomfortable. It’s raining. You should stay at home.
D: That’s right. And then I can play, too.
E: If I do, I’ll watch TV. And I hate TV!
F: Right! I could play basketball. If I do, I’ll probably have a great time.
IV..单项选择。( 20 分)
( )1. _____trees in a hundred years? A. Do there have B. Will there be C. Will there have D. Do there have
( )2.Her father didn’t ask her to do it, but he didn’t ask her not to do it,______. A. either B. too C. also D. as well
( ) 3. Her hair clip is the same________
A. as me B. like me C. as mine D. like mine
( ) 4. My sister is angry _____me. What should I say to say to her?
A. to B. for C. with D. of
( ) 5. What_____ you____ when your mother came back?
A. are; doing B. were ; doing C. did; do
( ) 6. Uncle Wang sits ______ me . He’s the driver.
A. in front B. in front of C. in the front of
( ) 7. ---Where were you at 9:00pm yesterday? ---_____________.
A. I was in the theater B. I was watching a film
C. I was staying with my friends
( ) 8. Mary told me she ____know what would happen in the future.
A. will B. can C. could
( ) 9. When will you finish your______ exam?
A. end of year B. end –of-year C. end-of-year’s
( ) 10. Read this document and _______ to the others.
A. pass on B. pass on it C. pass it on
( ) 11. Jack, I _____ a favor to ask you.
A. have B. give C. tell
( ) 12. He ____ if you ____ him.
A. will come; will invite B. will come ; invite C. comes; will invite
( ) 13. Mr. Li asked me ______.
A. go to his office B. to go his office C. to go to his office
( ) 14. This road is very crowed. You can find cars and buses_____.
A. everywhere B. anywhere C. nowhere
( ) 15. Did he _____ to college after he _____ high school?
A. go; leave B. went; left C. go; left
( ) 16. This is an________ city.
A. 80-year-old B. 80 years old C. 80-years-old
( ) 17. Will the assistant ____ with their bags?
A. let in they B. let in them C. let them in
( ) 18. He often says “ I shall tell you about them.”
He often tells me that _____ will tell _____ about ______.
A. I…you…them B. he…me…them
C. he…you…us D. I…me…you
( ) 19. They said to us, “ Are you afraid to leave this house ?”
They asked us ____ afraid to leave _____ house.
A. that were we…this B. that we were…that
C. if were we …this D. if we were…that
( ) 20. “If you aren’t here on time tomorrow.” Mr Black said to Jenny, “ I’ll write your parents about this .”Mr Black told Jenny that _______.
A. he will write to her parents about this if she isn’t here on time tomorrow.
B. he would write to her parents about this if she wasn’t her on time the next day.
C. he would write to her parents about that if she wasn’t there on time the next day.
D. he was going to write to her parents about that if she wasn’t there on time the next day.
1. I need some money from others to buy gifts for my family, because I have nothing in my purse. (改为反义句)
I _______ need _______ money from others to buy gifts for my family, because I have _______ in my puree.
2. I found the books here are very cheap, so I bought all those I loved. (写出同义句)
I found the books here __________________ , so I bought all those I loved.
3. It is my very first time to be in a plane, so I don't know what I should do.(写出同义句)
It is my very first time to travel _______ plane, so I don't know what _______ _______.
4. I always think I am popular at school, (改为以when I was young作时间状语的句子)
I always _______ I _______ popular at school when I was young.
5.There is a pen and a piece of paper on the table.(改为复数形式)
There are two ____ and two ________ of ________ on the table.
6. Where does she work? Can you tell me? (合成一个宾语从句)
Can you tell me where _______ _________?
7. Mr. Li said, “I will go out with you.” (改为间接引语)
Mr. Li told me _____ ______ go out with _____.
8. I bought my mother a new handbag yesterday. (对划线提问)
_______ ________ you _______ for your mother yesterday?
1. Everyone __________________(like) watching TV in our class.
2. I knew the earth __________(move) around the sun when I was a little child.
3. If it ______________(not rain) tomorrow, we will go on a picnic.
4. What _______you________(say) just now?
5. There ____________(be) a football game in our school next week.
6. My father __________________(leave) for Beijing in a few days.
7. I enjoy ___________________(listen) to the radio in the evening.
8. Look! Someone ___________ ___________ (swim) in the river.
9. Why not___________________(go)with your classmates?
10. What _______ the students _________( do) when the teacher came into the classroom?

good real own why be have copy habit she tell

My best friend __(1)__Xiao Li, but last week in school we (2)_____a big fight, and she didn’t talk to me. It all started when she asked me if she could (3)_____my homework. I asked her (4)_____she wanted to do that, and she said that she had forgotten to do (5)_______ . I said I didn’t think it was a good idea for her to copy my homework. She wanted to know why I didn’t think it was a good idea. I said it would start a bad (6)______ , and that she should do her (7)_______ work. She got (8)_______ mad at me, and said she didn’t want to be my(9)______ friend anymore. I said that was OK and that I was sure she would get over it. And she did. Yesterday she (10)______me she was sorry. She said it was much better if she did her own work.
1.________ 2_________ 3_______ 4________ 5_______

6_______ 7_________ 8______ 9________ 10_______

As Christmas and New Year come near, lots of New Year’s cards are__ (1) ___in shops.
___(2)__ the many buyers there are a large number of students. The students __(3)__ cards to send to their teachers, to show respect and thanks, and to classmates and friends. This is a good__( 4 )__ for them to show their friendship.
But the price of __(5)_ card is often ten yuan. The students spend more and more money__( 6 )__ cards. But their living __(7 )__on their parents.
This is an old__( 8 )__ . We should__(9)__ it. And education is needed, especially for __(10)__ people.
1. ( ) A. took B. bought C. sold D. brought
2. ( ) A. In B. Between C. Among D. In the middle of
3. ( ) A. sell B. buy C. take D. lend
4. ( ) A. chance B. buy C. month D. moment
5. ( ) A. each B. every C. other D. another
6. ( ) A. in B. on C . for D. at
7. ( ) A. depends B. takes B. gets D. carries
8. ( ) A. thing B . matter C. answer D . problem
9. ( ) A. see B. notice C. be careful D. pay attention to
10. ( ) A. older B. oldest C. younger D. youngest

The earth moves round the sun, and the moon moves round the earth. When our part of the earth turns to the moon, it is night.
The sun is much bigger than the moon. But sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun, because it’s much nearer to the earth.
The sun is very bright. It gives a very strong light. The moon looks quite bright,

too. But it doesn’t give any light at all.
The moon looks much bigger and brighter than the stars. But actually(实际上) the stars are much bigger and brighter than the moon. They look smaller than the moon because they’re much farther away from us.
( )1. ____moves round________.
A. The earth; the moon B. The moon; the earth
C. The moon; the stars D. The sun; the earth
( )2. Sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun, because_________.
A. it is much bigger than the sun
B. it comes out only at night
C. it is much nearer to the earth than the sun

第1个回答  2006-04-17
1. Colds are _____ in winters.
A. ordinary B. general C. usual D. common
2. The Great Wall is the pace _____ almost all the tourists would like to visit when they come to China.
A. where B. what C. in which D. which
4. It won’t _____ whether you go today or tomorrow.
A. make no difference B. make much difference C. do no difference D. do much difference
6. I had no choice but _____ at the bake of the classroom.
A. stand B. standing C. to stand D. stood
7. I think he asks me to call _____ his uncle, but in fact he tells me to call _____ his brother’s.
A. on … on B. on … at C. at … on D. at … at
9. The composition needs _____ before it is handed in.
A. to check B. checking C. checked D. check
10. There is only _____ money left. I am afraid it’s not enough.
A. a little B. little C. a few D. few
11. What a fresh fish. I think it’s still _____ . It’s a _____ fish.
A. alive … living B. alive … live C. living … alive D. live … alive
16. A lot of graduates apply for the job. Now the manager is interviewing them two _____.
A. at a time B. at one time C. in a time D. in one time
17. I bought a new book by mail. The price of it was $ 14.90, postage _____.
A. include B. included C. including D. includes
18. Not only _____ students are interested in this _____ reported program, but also others.
A. lively … living B. living … lively C. lively … lively D. living … live
19. I don’t think he will come, _____ ?
A. do I B. don’t I C. will he D. won’t he
20. Do the children always enjoy themselves _____ Christmas Day?
A. at B. at the C. on the D. on
25. We cannot _____ finishing the work without your help.
A. understand B. think C. think of D. imagine

I . 听力部分(共20分)
( )⒈A. F B.L C.S
( )⒉A.T B.G C.B
( )⒊A.j B.k C.a
( )⒍A.he B.she C.she’s
( )⒎A.father B.brother C.grandfather
( )⒏A.you’ re B.your C.morning
( )⒐A.who’s B.he’s C.it’s
( )⒑A.photo B.sister C.doctor
( )⒈A.doctor B.brother C.sister
( )⒉A.tall B.pretty C.thin
( )⒊A.Jill B.Peter C.Nick
( )⒋A.morning B.classmate C.family
( )⒌A.have B.how C.know
( )⒈A.Good morning B.Good afternoon C.Good evening
( )⒉A.Your name is Lily B.I’m Lily C.You’re Lily , righr ?
( )⒊A.He is fine B.He is a student C.He is 14
( )⒋A.Yes , it is B.Yes , I am C.No , it is
( )⒌A.He is my teacher B.He is a teacher C.He is fine

⒈- W your name ? -My name is Bob
⒉ Jack and Peter are twin brothers . T are tall and big .
⒊ Sammi is from England . She ’ s E .
⒋ I have f good friends .
⒌ My father is a ___________ (司机).
⒍This is my ___________(猫). She is Mimi .
⒎ Let ________(我)have a look .
⒏ Pat is a boy .___________(他)is polite .
⒐ My father is a teacher . He ’ s ____________(强壮的).
⒑ How old is the boy ? He ’ s ____________(十二岁).
⒈ I am (缩略形式) ___________ ⒉ are not (缩略形式) __________
⒊ My name is (缩略形式) ___________ ⒋ this (对应词) ___________
⒌ yes (反义词) ___________ ⒍ new (反义词) ___________
⒎ happy (反义词) ___________ ⒏ two (同音词) ___________
⒐ they ’ re (完全形式) ___________ ⒑your (人称代词主格) ________
( )⒈— Good morning ! —______________.
A. Thank you B.Good morning C.Hello D.Hi
( )⒉—You ’ re Jack , right ? —________________ .
A.OK B.No , I am Tom . C.Yes , you ’ re Jack D.Fine , thank you
( )⒊—_________ is the boy ? — He is my brother .
A.How B.What C. Who ’ s D.Who
( )⒋—__________ are you ? —I am a teacher .
A.What B.Who C.Who ’ s D.How
( )⒌ My cousin is not tall . He is __________.
A.slim B.short C.polite D.helpful
( )⒍ 感谢别人的帮助时,应说:______________
A.Thank you B.I ’ m fine , thank you C.Goodbye D.Yes , I am
( )⒎ 向别人介绍自己时,可以说:_______________
A.Hi , I ’ m Lily . B. Good morning , Sally C.Who am I ? D.Fine , and you ?
( )⒏_____________ your teacher ?
A.How are B.How old C.How old are D.How is
( )⒐ This ___________ Sally . She ___________ my sister .
A. am , is B. is , are C.are , is D.is , is
( )⒑—How are you , Jill ? —_________________.
A.Fine , thank you B.Yes , I ’ m fine . C.And you ? D.How are you
( )⒒—What ’ s this ? —____________ a cat .
A.This is B.This ’ s C.It ’ s D.It
( )⒓—Is this your brother ? —_____________.
A.No , he is B.Yes , he is C.He is my uncle D.Yes , he isn ’ t
( )⒔He ’ s ________________.
A.my Bob uncle B.Zhang Mr C.Mr Zhang D.Miss Zhang
( )⒕ I think ______________ are polite .
A. I B.Nick C.Nick and Jill D.Jill
( )⒖ Jill and Pat ___________ good ___________ .
A.is ……friend B.are ……friend C.are ……friends D.is ……friends
⒈ We are girls .(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)
_______ ________ ________ ? Yes , ________ _________ .
⒉ She ’ s 13 . (对划线部分提问)
_______ ________ ________ she ?
⒊ The woman is a nurse .(对划线部分提问)
_______ ________ the woman ?
⒋ Your English teacher is fine .(对划线部分提问)
_______ ________ your English teacher ?
⒌ She is my cousin Kate .(对划线部分提问)
_______ ________ ?
⒍ What ’ s your father ’ s job ?(写出意思相同的句子)
_______ ________ ________ ?
⒎ I am Chinese .(写出意思相同的句子)
I ________ ________ China .
⒏ You ’ re Bob , right ?(写出意思相同的句子)
_______ _______ Bob ?
⒐ This is my twin sister .(改为一般疑问句并回答)
_______ ________ ________ twin sister ? No , _______ ________ .
⒑ They are my new friends .(改为否定句)
They _________ __________ my new friends .
⒒ helpful , is , Mary , polite , and (连词成句)
( )⒈ Thank your very much . __________________
( )⒉ Hi ! I name is Nick . __________________
( )⒊ The boy is America . __________________
( )⒋ What are your name ? __________________
( )⒌ That girl is Lily . He is slim . __________________
A项 B项
( )⒈What ’ s your uncle ? A. He is fine .
( )⒉ Who is she ? B. No , I ’ m not
( )⒊ Are you a policeman ? C. He is a doctor
( )⒋ How is he ? D. She is my sister .
( )⒌ Is this your dog ? E. Yes , it is.
第2个回答  2006-04-17
1. Colds are _____ in winters.
A. ordinary B. general C. usual D. common
2. The Great Wall is the pace _____ almost all the tourists would like to visit when they come to China.
A. where B. what C. in which D. which
4. It won’t _____ whether you go today or tomorrow.
A. make no difference B. make much difference C. do no difference D. do much difference
6. I had no choice but _____ at the bake of the classroom.
A. stand B. standing C. to stand D. stood
7. I think he asks me to call _____ his uncle, but in fact he tells me to call _____ his brother’s.
A. on … on B. on … at C. at … on D. at … at
9. The composition needs _____ before it is handed in.
A. to check B. checking C. checked D. check
10. There is only _____ money left. I am afraid it’s not enough.
A. a little B. little C. a few D. few
11. What a fresh fish. I think it’s still _____ . It’s a _____ fish.
A. alive … living B. alive … live C. living … alive D. live … alive
16. A lot of graduates apply for the job. Now the manager is interviewing them two _____.
A. at a time B. at one time C. in a time D. in one time
17. I bought a new book by mail. The price of it was $ 14.90, postage _____.
A. include B. included C. including D. includes
18. Not only _____ students are interested in this _____ reported program, but also others.
A. lively … living B. living … lively C. lively … lively D. living … live
19. I don’t think he will come, _____ ?
A. do I B. don’t I C. will he D. won’t he
20. Do the children always enjoy themselves _____ Christmas Day?
A. at B. at the C. on the D. on
25. We cannot _____ finishing the work without your help.
A. understand B. think C. think of D. imagine

I . 听力部分(共20分)
( )⒈A. F B.L C.S
( )⒉A.T B.G C.B
( )⒊A.j B.k C.a
( )⒍A.he B.she C.she’s
( )⒎A.father B.brother C.grandfather
( )⒏A.you’ re B.your C.morning
( )⒐A.who’s B.he’s C.it’s
( )⒑A.photo B.sister C.doctor
( )⒈A.doctor B.brother C.sister
( )⒉A.tall B.pretty C.thin
( )⒊A.Jill B.Peter C.Nick
( )⒋A.morning B.classmate C.family
( )⒌A.have B.how C.know
( )⒈A.Good morning B.Good afternoon C.Good evening
( )⒉A.Your name is Lily B.I’m Lily C.You’re Lily , righr ?
( )⒊A.He is fine B.He is a student C.He is 14
( )⒋A.Yes , it is B.Yes , I am C.No , it is
( )⒌A.He is my teacher B.He is a teacher C.He is fine

⒈- W your name ? -My name is Bob
⒉ Jack and Peter are twin brothers . T are tall and big .
⒊ Sammi is from England . She ’ s E .
⒋ I have f good friends .
⒌ My father is a ___________ (司机).
⒍This is my ___________(猫). She is Mimi .
⒎ Let ________(我)have a look .
⒏ Pat is a boy .___________(他)is polite .
⒐ My father is a teacher . He ’ s ____________(强壮的).
⒑ How old is the boy ? He ’ s ____________(十二岁).
⒈ I am (缩略形式) ___________ ⒉ are not (缩略形式) __________
⒊ My name is (缩略形式) ___________ ⒋ this (对应词) ___________
⒌ yes (反义词) ___________ ⒍ new (反义词) ___________
⒎ happy (反义词) ___________ ⒏ two (同音词) ___________
⒐ they ’ re (完全形式) ___________ ⒑your (人称代词主格) ________
( )⒈— Good morning ! —______________.
A. Thank you B.Good morning C.Hello D.Hi
( )⒉—You ’ re Jack , right ? —________________ .
A.OK B.No , I am Tom . C.Yes , you ’ re Jack D.Fine , thank you
( )⒊—_________ is the boy ? — He is my brother .
A.How B.What C. Who ’ s D.Who
( )⒋—__________ are you ? —I am a teacher .
A.What B.Who C.Who ’ s D.How
( )⒌ My cousin is not tall . He is __________.
A.slim B.short C.polite D.helpful
( )⒍ 感谢别人的帮助时,应说:______________
A.Thank you B.I ’ m fine , thank you C.Goodbye D.Yes , I am
( )⒎ 向别人介绍自己时,可以说:_______________
A.Hi , I ’ m Lily . B. Good morning , Sally C.Who am I ? D.Fine , and you ?
( )⒏_____________ your teacher ?
A.How are B.How old C.How old are D.How is
( )⒐ This ___________ Sally . She ___________ my sister .
A. am , is B. is , are C.are , is D.is , is
( )⒑—How are you , Jill ? —_________________.
A.Fine , thank you B.Yes , I ’ m fine . C.And you ? D.How are you
( )⒒—What ’ s this ? —____________ a cat .
A.This is B.This ’ s C.It ’ s D.It
( )⒓—Is this your brother ? —_____________.
A.No , he is B.Yes , he is C.He is my uncle D.Yes , he isn ’ t
( )⒔He ’ s ________________.
A.my Bob uncle B.Zhang Mr C.Mr Zhang D.Miss Zhang
( )⒕ I think ______________ are polite .
A. I B.Nick C.Nick and Jill D.Jill
( )⒖ Jill and Pat ___________ good ___________ .
A.is ……friend B.are ……friend C.are ……friends D.is ……friends
⒈ We are girls .(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)
_______ ________ ________ ? Yes , ________ _________ .
⒉ She ’ s 13 . (对划线部分提问)
_______ ________ ________ she ?
⒊ The woman is a nurse .(对划线部分提问)
_______ ________ the woman ?
⒋ Your English teacher is fine .(对划线部分提问)
_______ ________ your English teacher ?
⒌ She is my cousin Kate .(对划线部分提问)
_______ ________ ?
⒍ What ’ s your father ’ s job ?(写出意思相同的句子)
_______ ________ ________ ?
⒎ I am Chinese .(写出意思相同的句子)
I ________ ________ China .
⒏ You ’ re Bob , right ?(写出意思相同的句子)
_______ _______ Bob ?
⒐ This is my twin sister .(改为一般疑问句并回答)
_______ ________ ________ twin sister ? No , _______ ________ .
⒑ They are my new friends .(改为否定句)
They _________ __________ my new friends .
⒒ helpful , is , Mary , polite , and (连词成句)
( )⒈ Thank your very much . __________________
( )⒉ Hi ! I name is Nick . __________________
( )⒊ The boy is America . __________________
( )⒋ What are your name ? __________________
( )⒌ That girl is Lily . He is slim . __________________
A项 B项
( )⒈What ’ s your uncle ? A. He is fine .
( )⒉ Who is she ? B. No , I ’ m not
( )⒊ Are you a policeman ? C. He is a doctor
( )⒋ How is he ? D. She is my sister .
( )⒌ Is this your dog ? E. Yes , it is.