

第1个回答  2010-06-03
第2个回答  推荐于2017-09-17
( ) 1. I met a friend of mine_____ I was walking in the park.
A. before B. when C. after D. if
( ) 2. We’ll go for a walk if it_____ tomorrow.
A. will not rain B. isn’t raining C. doesn’t rain D. isn’t rain
( ) 3. I met Li Lei_____ hospital last Sunday. He was ill_____ hospital then.
A. in the, in the B. in, in the C. in the, in D. in, in
( ) 4. Grandma is now at _____.
A. the doctor’s B. the doctors C. the doctor D. a doctor’s
( ) 5. You go to see a doctor in a hospital. When he asks you, “What’s your trouble?” You should say“_____.”
A .I’m feeling terrible B. Don’t trouble me.
C. Give me some medicine, please D. Please take care of me
( ) 6. When you are_____ trouble, why not phone the_____?
A. at, police B. in, policeman C. in, police D. at, policeman
( ) 7. ____ useful invention the computer is!
A. What a B. What an C. How a D. How an
( ) 8. I can’t find____ to sit on the crowded bus.
A. nowhere B. somewhere C. anywhere D. everywhere
( ) 9. My mother was cooking while I____ the radio.
A. listened to B. have listened to C. was listening to D. is listening to
( ) 10. ______ TV at that time?
A. Did you watch B. Have you watched C. Were you watching D. Are you watching
( ) 11.They arrived____ Paris ____ a winter evening.
A. at, in B. to, on C. in, on D. in, at
( ) 12. Mr. Green told us____ too much time____ reading novels.
A. don’t take; on B. not to take; in C. not to spend; in D. don’t to spend; on
( ) 13. Do you know_____?
A. what he happened B. what the matter is with him.
C. what happened to him D. what did he happened
( ) 14. The thief_____ the purse and _____.
A. drops, run after B. droped, ran away C. dropped, run away D. dropped, ran away
( ) 15.People in China are always dressed ____ their best clothes _____ New Year’s Day.
A. at, in B. to, on C. in, on D. in, at
1.当飞机起飞的时候, 天正下着大雪。
It _______________________ heavily when the plane____________________.
2.他们起得很早, 以便能赶上第一班车。
They got up early_____________________ they could ___________________the first bus.
The children ____________________ their best clothes to ___________ the Spring Festival.
4.瞧, 孩子们正在追逐一只小猫。
Look! The children_________________________________ a small cat.
5.我女儿正在写信时, 其他的孩子都在外面玩耍。
My daughter was writing a letter___________ the other children ___________outside.

八年级英语(下)第四单元 检测题 (4)
班级_____ 姓名_______________ 学号________ 等级_______
1. Tom does well in Chinese; however Lucy does Chinese_______ (good) than Tom.
2. Lily isn’t good at math, in the end-of-year exam she did__________ (bad) of all the students.
3. When I heard the_________ news, how_________ I am! (disappoint)
4. We are___________ (luck) enough to have bought the last tickets for the World Cup.
( ) 1. —The earth goes round the sun.
—What did he say? I couldn’t hear him. — _____________.
A. He says the earth goes round the sun. B. He said the earth goes round the sun.
C: He said the earth went round the sun. D. He says the earth went round the sun.
( ) 2.The box is to .
A. big enough, put my shoes B. enough big, put my shoes in
C. big enough, put my shoes in D .big, put shoes in
( ) 3.She told us she liked piano.
A. to play B. playing the C. to play a D. playing a
( ) 4.The doctor after he the patient.
A looked worrying , looked over B. seemed like worried; looked after
C. looks worried , looked after D. seemed worried; looked over
( ) 5.He thinks his sister can do very well in the exams, ?
A. does he B. doesn’t he C. can’t she D. can she
( ) 6.The are buying some in the supermarket.
A. woman teachers, tomatoes B. woman teachers, tomatos
C. women teachers, tomatos D. women teachers, tomatoes
( ) 7. Tom says he_____ wash hands before a meal.
A. must to B. will has to C. has to D. have to
( ) 8. They _____ to visit our school the day after tomorrow.
A. come B. coming C. are coming D. shall come
( ) 9. When you come here this afternoon. Please_____ your sister_____ you.
A. take, with B. carry, with C. bring, with D. bring, to
( ) 10. I’m afraid there_____ a heavy rain this afternoon.
A. will be going to B. will C. will have D. will be
( ) 11._____ there was something wrong with the machine.
A. There seems B. It seemed that C. He seemed D. It seem that
( ) 12. I didn’t know she_______ play_______ guitar(吉他) when she was four.
A. can, \ B. could, the C. could,\ D. can, the
( ) 13. Mother thought_______ a clever boy.
A. he is B. him C. him was D. his
( ) 14. Can you______ this word______ English?
A. say; in B. speak; in C. speak; with D. say; with
( ) 15.The rich men can buy_______ lots of things.
A. himself B. him C. them D. themselves
Not long ago, there was a story in Russia about ZHUOYA and SHULA. They were sister and brother. They were in 1 same class of a middle school. They studied hard. They were 2 strict 3 themselves. Their homework was given the day before. SHULA was clever. He had done his homework earlier. But ZHUOYA hadn’t yet. The next afternoon she went on doing hers.
SHULA thought his sister maybe couldn’t finish some of the exercises. So he put his exercise-book with answers on his sister’s desk before ZHUOYA came in the classroom, and went out quietly to play. A few minutes later, ZHUOYA came in and saw her brother’s exercise-book on her desk. But she had never looked at it all. She sat on her seat, thinking and thinking. Five minutes, ten minutes, half an hour had 4 . An hour and a half 5 , she worked out all problems at last and handed it in on time that afternoon. How happy she was!
“Why not copy my key down in 6 , sister?” asked SHULA with a smile. “No, I didn’t. I must use my head and try my 7 to 8 all by myself. I’m sure, I can 9 a way. I don’t like to be lazy in 10 homework,” answered ZHUOYA.
( ) 1. A. a B. an C. the D. /
( ) 2. A. both B. either C. neither D. all
( ) 3. A. on B. with C. in D. at
( ) 4. A. past B. pass C. passed D. pasted
( ) 5. A. later B. late C. latterly D. lately
( ) 6. A. you B. yours C. your D. mine
( ) 7. A. good B. better C. best D. well
( ) 8. A. work them out B. work out them C. work them off D. work off them
( ) 9. A. look for B. find C. found D. looked for
( ) 10. A. doing B. to do C. done D. do
get come hold bring watch make do be
Lana’ s birthday 1 .We planned to give her a surprise party. I think I can 2 her a big cake with beautiful candles. Sally said she 3 some drinks and snacks. The party 4 in my house. I 5 a phone call to Frank to ask him to join us this morning. He 6 TV then. He promised that he 7 in time and bring some flowers to Lana. Eric said he 8 his robot to the party. The robot 9 all kinds things for us. We all hope Lana 10 happy.

1. What will you do if you go to the old_______________ (folk) home to visit?
2. Among the students Tom works the _____________ (hard).
3. Lucy can’t go to school today because she is__________ (bad) ill.
4. Many___________ (charity) sent money to help the poor people.
5. If you become a ____ (profession) athlete like Yao Ming, you can make much money.
1. He won the first place in the long jump, so he is a c___________.
2. That old man makes a l________ by collecting and selling waste paper.
3. My Chinese friends tell me Chongqing is f________________ for “Hot Pot”.
4. They said they enjoyed t____________________ during the winter holidays.
5. Jack’s father is a l_______________; he knows a lot about law.
1. Thank you for___________________ (remind) me the time of his coming.
2. When I came to the check-out, I___________ (realize) that I had no money with me.
3. My English teacher always lets me_______ (choose) the answer more carefully.
4. Tom is a good football player; he is good at____________ (play) football.
5. The students will go to the Summer Palace if it _____________ (not rain) tomorrow.
6. If you helped me with my English, I______________ (not fail) the exam.
7. It_____________ (hurt) your eyes to read in such poor light.
8. I like watching the children______________ (swim) and jump.
9. Mary asked Li Ming ___________ (help) him with his Chinese.
10. Can you finish _____________ (read) this book in five days?
1. Can you tell me how I can get to the nearest post office? (同义句)
Can you tell me ______________________________the nearest post office?
2. Work hard, or you will not pass the exam. (同义句)
____________you____________ work hard, you will _____________ the exam.
3. They are having an English evening. (用tomorrow作时间状语改写句子)
They _________________________ an English evening tomorrow.
4. Some students go to school by bike every day. (同义句)
Some students _________________________ school every day.
5. There is only one sheep on the farm. (对划线部分提问)
__________________________ are there on the farm?
( ) 1. —Listen! Somebody is coming. —No, _____ is coming. I can’t hear_____.
A. somebody, anybody B. anybody, somebody
C. nobody, anything D. somebody, somebody
( ) 2. We _____ go on a picnic if it _____ rain tomorrow.
A. don’t, isn’t B. don’t stop C. shall, doesn’t D. aren’t, doesn’t
( ) 3. He always thinks of ______ more than himself.
A. other B. others C. the other D. the others
( ) 4.Get up early or you can’t ______ the early bus.
A. catch B. catch up C. catches D. catches up with
( ) 5. Da Shan speaks Chinese ______ for us to understand.
A. good enough B. enough good C. well enough D. enough well
( ) 6. If you don’t want to go swimming, I ______.
A. won’t; too B. also won’t C. won’t, either D. won’t ,neither
( ) 7. He was_________ tired _________ he couldn’t go on working. A. too…to B. such…that C. so…that D. too…that ( ) 8. It’s hard___________ the work in two days. A. finishing B. to finish C. finish D. finishes
( ) 9. Our teacher said sound____ much more slowly than light.
A. traveled B. was traveling C. has traveled D. travels.
( ) 10. I don’t know if she________. If she_______, let me know.
A. comes; comes B. will come; comes
C. comes; will come D. will come; will come
( ) 11. You________ to school tomorrow if you go to look after your mother in hospital.
A. don’t need come B. don’t come C. needn’t to come D. needn’t come
( ) 12. Everyone knows that “I” ___ a word and also a letter in English.
A. am B. is C. are D. be
( ) 13. She said that she _____ more time in English next year.
A. will spend B. will take C. is going to cost D. would spend
( ) 14. What an______ story! I’m much ______ in it.
A. interested, interesting B. interesting, interested
C. interesting, interesting D. interested, interested
( ) 15. Oh, it’s you, Lily! ______ you ______ here.
A. I don’t know, were B. I didn’t know, are
C. I knew, are D. I think, were

八年级英语(下)第1-5单元 检测题 (6)
班级_____ 姓名_______________ 学号________ 等级_______
1. In five years, Sally will_______________ a doctor.
2. —You could write him a letter. —Sorry, I don’t like _________________ letters.
3. The boy was walking down the street __________ a UFO landed on Center Street.
4. The girl said she wasn’t mad ____________ me any more.
5. —What will ________ if they watch a video at the party? —Some students will be bored.
B. 用所给词的正确形式填空。
6. I think there will be ___________ (few) cars and more buses in ten years.
7. These clothes are very cheap. They are ______________ (expensive).
8. While the alien was ___________ (visit) the museum, the boy called the TV station.
9. In English, I’m _____________ (good) at reading than listening.
10. For many young people, becoming a _____________ (profession) athlete might seem like a dream job.
C. 完成下列句子,使意思完整。
11. I went to Beijing last year and ________________(爱上了北京).
12. I ____________________(与…大吵了一架) my cousin yesterday.
13. While she ______________(正在通电话), Davy met another dog outside the station.
14. I ____________________(在…真的不好过) science last semester.
15. You’ll _________________(能够谋生) doing something you love.本回答被提问者采纳