

第1个回答  2014-01-21
你现在就挺纠结的。。。。。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻1. —I hear the snow will for another two days. —I hope so. I like playing snow with my classmates. A. fall B. last C. get D. keep2. —Do you know ? —At two this afternoon. A. what time does the bus leave B. what time the bus will leave C. when the bus would leave D. what time would the bus leave3. —Some people have really bad in clothes. —I’m sorry to hear that. A. smell B. taste C. sound D. look4. Jim’s sister was badly ill. So he had to his home at once. A. arrive in B. see off C. leave for D. go back5. —What do you prefer, basketball or football? —I like but baseball. A. both B. either C. neither D. none6. Kate suddenly and hurt herself when she was skating on the ice. A. fell off B. fell over C. fell into D. fell behind.7. —How do you like the pants? —I’m afraid they’re too small. You should try a bigger . A. one B. copy C. piece D. pair8. —Shall we start the work from the beginning again? —No, we needn’t. Let’s pick up we left off. A. what B. how C. where D. when9. —Jim, if you lend me a story book. I’ll treat you next time. —Oh, no, I won’t your story. A. buy B. receive C. get D. read10. —Is OK, Lucy? —No, my math is not as good as English. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything11. —Look at Bill! He is wearing new trousers. —But they don’t his new coat. A. go with B. put on C. do with D. get together12. —Look! How beautiful the building over there is! —Yes, it is. It’s our city’s stadium. It has many wonderful matches. A. made B. met C. seen D. appeared13. —What about Japanese cars? —The cars made in Japan are cheaper than made in America. A. ones B. those C. that D. it14. —How can I find him? —You can usually him on this telephone number. A. meet B. see C. catch D. reach15. —Shall I close the door? —No, it open. A. make B. try C. push D. leave16. —What do you think make Mary so upset? — her new bicycle. A. As he lost B. Lost C. Losing D. Because of losing17. —I suppose we’ll go to play football next week. —Terrific! Playing football is a lot of fun. I’d like to you. A. visit B. join C. follow D. meet18. —Can you give me a cigarette? —Sorry. My cigarettes have . A. run out B. finished off C. smoked out D. stayed away from19. —Harbin is very cold in winter. You’d better warm clothes if you go there. —Thanks, I will. A. put on B. wear C. pack D. buy20. —What did the doctor say? —He me not to eat too much meat. A. stopped B. suggested C. warned D. allowed21. She sent me an e?鄄mail for information about the final exam. A. asked B. asks C. asking D. ask22. I met my old friend in the street . A. one day B. some day C. some days D. a day23. —Jim, it’s so nice of you to help me. — . A. You’re right B. My pleasure C. No problem D. It’s my turn24. —Did you have any one the trees? —Yes, I have the trees . A. to water; water B. to water; watered C. water; to be water D. water; watered25. That watch me lots of time to mend. A. spent B. paid C. took D. cost26. There’s cooking oil left in the house. Would you go to the supermarket and get ? A. little; some B. little; any C. few; some D. few; any27. —When shall we go to the park? —Let’s it tomorrow, OK? A. take B. get C. make D. have28. Last year, our company earned dollars. A. four millions B. four millions of C. millions of D. million of29. Can you give me a to the station? A. hand B. drive C. ring D. lift30. —How are you getting on with your cousin? —Great, if we are free, we often drop a to each other. A. word B. letter C. line D. talk31. I don’t know if he tomorrow. Please let me know if he . A. comes; comes B. will come; comes C. comes; will come D. will come; will come32. —Look, there’s man at the door. —Oh, that’s my old friend. A. some B. any C. no D. other33. —We never know he is. —They say he is a doctor. A. whom B. what C. which D. where34. —Could you help me with my English? — . A. No way B. It’s a pleasure C. Out of question D. Out of the question35. —Mummy, can I put the peaches in the cupboard? —No, dear. They don’t well. Put them in the fridge instead. A. keep B. fit C. get D. last36. —The medicine tastes so bad. —It surely does. But it will you good. A. give B. want C. do D. help37. —I’m going to buy another skirt. —Hey, you’d better be with your money. A. busy B. kind C. careful D. free38. —How much will I pay for the meal? —Thirty dollars will all you want to have. A. use B. cover C. cost D. spend39. —Did anybody go out? — . I didn’t see anybody go out. A. I can’t say B. I guess so C. I hope not D. I don’t think so40. —How do you go to school every day? —I on my bicycle. A. ride B. drive C. take D. walk41. —When shall we meet again? —Make it day you like, it’s all the same to me. A. one B. another C. some D. any42. —We had a that the one who lost the game must sing a song. —But we lost the game. A. rule B. goal C. way D. notice43. —Shall we go to the concert tonight? —Sorry, I can’t the time for doing that. A. spend B. cost C. afford D. pay44. Did you enjoy the days you spent in Beijing during the Spring Festival? A. that B. when C. what D. where45. —You must finish this work by nine o’clock this evening. —Sure, but you ought to help for me. A. provide B. offer C. afford D. give46. —Her death is a mystery. —I think the police will make it to us soon. A. certain B. true C. clear D. correct47. The story was so funny that all of us couldn’t laughing. A. help B. stop C. continue D. finish48. —Why did you all go swimming Tom? —Because he was ill at home. A. with B. besides C. except D. beside49. —I can’t open this jar. —Well, let me have a . A. hand B. open C. tooth D. go50. —In western countries when people eat in the restaurant, they usually the cost. —Yeah. This is called “Going Dutch.” A. pay B. cost C. pay for D. share够了吧,50题。。。。。。。。。望采纳!!