believe和believe in有什么区别吗


  believe与believe in含义相近,都可译为“相信”,其后的宾语可以是sth,也可以是sb。但仔细分析之后,两者的核心意思还是有所差异,在大多数情况下泾渭分明,不可混用。
  1. believe sb vs believe in sb
  believe sb:相信某人说的话,相当于believe what sb says,可译为”相信……说的是真的“;
  believe in sb:相信某人的品行或能力,即believe sb is reliable or able,可译为“信任,信赖,对……有信心”。
  I believe him, though his story sounds unlikely. 我相信他说的话,尽管听起来不大可能。
  Some of his supporters have stopped believing in him. 他的一些支持者已经对他失去信心。
  ★believe in oneself
  我们经常说:“相信自己。”这里的相信是用believe还是believe in呢?我们是要相信自己说的话,还是要相信自己有能力、会成功?答案当然是后者。
  Others will believe in you only if you first believe in yourself. 你只有首先相信自己,别人才能相信你。(你只有首先对自己有信心,别人才能对你有信心。)
  ★can’t believe one's eyes / ears
  相当于can’t believe what one sees / hears,不相信自己所看到的或所听到的,即“不敢相信这是真的”。
  I couldn’t believe my eyes when I opened the box. 我打开盒子,不敢相信眼前看到的一切。
  2. believe sth vs believe in sth
  believe sth:相信某事物是真的或者其内容符合事实,相当于believe sth is true,sth一般是report(报道)、story(故事)、theory(理论)等;
  believe in:
  1) 相信某事物的存在,相当于believe sth exists = believe in the existence of sth,sth可以是上帝、鬼魂、外星人或其他名词,译成“信,信奉”;
  2) 相信某事物是有益的,有效的,相当于believe sth is good or effective,此时可以用动名词作宾语,即believe in doing sth;
  3) 对某事物有信心,一般是事物的属性或人的特性、能力等抽象名词,相当于have confidence in。前两种用法都可以与第三种互换,转变成believe in the existence / effectiveness of sth等。
  It is dangerous to believe things on hearsay. 基于道听途说就轻言相信是危险的。
  I don’t believe a word of you. 你说的话我一个字也不信。
  I believe in the Bible / God. 我信奉《圣经》/上帝。
  I believe in miracles / ghosts. = I believe in the existence of miracles / ghosts。我相信奇迹/鬼魂是存在的。
  If people didn’t believe in ideals, great things would not be accomplished. 如果人们不相信理想,许多伟大的事业就无法实现。
  He believes deeply in the need for a tax reform. 他深信有必要进行税收改革。
  I believe in traveling light. 我认为出行就要轻装上阵。
  I believe in your ability to find solutions. 我相信你有能力找到解决办法。
  ★can’t believe one’s luck
  相当于“can’t believe how lucky one is”,不敢相信自己这么幸运,也属于“不敢相信这是真的”。
  She couldn’t believe her luck when she saw the room was empty. 看到房间里空无一人,她不敢相信自己有这么好的运气。
  总体而言,believe一般用于具体的事物,所指的情况具有暂时的特性,意思是“相信……是真的”;believe in一般用于抽象的事物,所指的情况具有持久的特性,意思包括“相信有……,相信……是好的”。

  延伸:trust & trust in
  在表达“相信”意思时,trust兼具believe与believe in的部分用法,而使用频率较低的trust in等同于trust / believe in的部分用法。
  1) trust sb = believe in sb (believe someone is reliable, honest or fair 侧重品行) 信任,信赖
  Politicians just can't be trusted. 政客不可信赖。
  I should never have trusted her. 我就不该相信她。
  2) trust sth:
  (i) believe in sth (believe something is reliable or effective; have confidence in something) 信赖;
  (ii) believe sth (believe something is true) 相信
  Never trust cheap locks like these.别信赖这些廉价的锁具。
  I trust his judgment on legal issues. 我相信他在法律问题上的判断力。
  trust a rumor = believe a rumor 相信谣言
  Don't trust anything Mr Davis tells you. 达维斯先生告诉你什么都别信。
  trust in:
  trust in sb / sth = believe in = trust 信赖
  Trust in me. I know what I am saying. 相信我。我知道我在说什么。
  Can I trust in the figures in this report? 这篇报告的数据可信吗?
  She trusted in the powers of justice 她相信正义的力量。
第1个回答  2016-05-31
believe,believe in
Believe表示“相信”、“信以为真”(to accept as true)之意,它是及物动词,其后直接跟宾语.例:
Do you believe his reports?你相信他的报告吗?
I could hardly believe my eyes.我几乎不能相信自己的眼睛.
In ancient times it was believed that the earth was flat.古时候,人们认为地球是扁平的.
Believe in则表示“信仰”、“信任”(to have faith in somebody or something)之意.其后的常用搭配语为:有关宗教、理论、原则、概念及可信任之人,如:a religion、ghosts、 fairies、 a theory、 a friend等词;例中的believe为不及物动词.如:
We do not believe in ghosts.我们不信鬼神.
He believes in getting plenty of exercise.他相信多锻炼身体就会有好处.
In the days of the French Revolution,people believed in liberty,equality and fraternity.
I believe him.(=I believe what he says)我相信他(的话).
I believe in him.(=I trust him )我相信他是一个可以信得过的人.(即:我信任他)
在英美人的谈话中,经常可以听到这么一句口头禅——Believe me:这是一个用以表示希望对方相信自己谈话的口头语,它相当于I bet或 Take my word for it.例:
Believe me,you will get well very soon.你一定会很快就恢复健康的.
Believe me 可以根据不同的场合,译作“真的”、“我不骗你”、“一定会”或“请相信”.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2020-04-23