

他们对幼稚的想法没耐心,即使还未至于过份到把童年视为过渡至成年生活的前奏,不幸但必须经历的阶段。...... 与其抓住孩子的心,法国的母亲更倾向于要孩子对自己的申诉具充分的理由,和要明智。在法国,孩子从小就开始追求理性,而理性的年龄是定在七岁。


French parents, on the other hand, do their best to develop the child’s intelligence as rapidly as possible. They have little patience with childish ideas even if they do not go so far as to look upon childhood as an unfortunate but necessary prelude to adult life. Not that they need to force the child, for the usually lends himself willing to the process, and enjoys the effect of his unexpectedly clever remarks and strange sayings and of his interesting judgment of men and things. It is not without significance that the French mother instead of appealing to the child’s heart by asking him to be good appeals to his reason by asking him to be wise. Reasonableness is looked for early in France, and the age of reason is fixed at seven years.