

  一般现、过用be done,be有人称、时、数变。
  完成时态have(has) done,被动将been加中间。
  一般将来shall (will) do,被动变do为be done。
  将来进行无被动,shall (will) be doing,
  现在完成进行同,have (has) been doing。
  现、过进行be doing, 被动be加being done。
  一般情助加be done,双宾多将间宾变。
  一般现、过用be done, be有人称、时、数变
  例:1、主动:The children gave the foreign guests a warm welcome.
  被动:The foreign guests were given a warm welcome by the children.
  2、主动:People regard him as brilliant.
  被动:He is regarded as brilliant by people.
  以上两例都是一般时态用be done的例子,be有人称、时、数变,第三人称foreign friends是复数,时态一般过去时,所以"be done"就是were given,而People regard him as brilliant一句,被动后的"be done"就变成单数第三人称is regarded的形式了。
  完成时态have done,被动将been加中间。
  (过去完成时had done也包括在内)。
  例:1、主动:We have studied English for 3 years off and on at the spare-time school.
  被动:English has been studied for 3 by us years off and on at the spare-time school. (have随新主语变为has)
  2、主动: They had produced 100 tractors by the end of last year.
  被动: 100 tractors had been produced by the end of last year.
  3、主动:They have set up a power station in their home town.
  被动:A power station has been set up in their home town.
  4、主动:They have warned us to be careful of rats.
  被动:We have been warned to be careful of rats.
  5、主动:People have piled plastic bags full of rubbish in streets.
  被动: Plastic bags full of rubbish have been piled in streets.
  6、主动:We have used nuclear energy to produce electricity.
  被动:Nuclear energy has been used to produce electricity.
  7、主动:No one has ever beaten him at tennis.
  被动:He has never been beaten at tennis.
  (No one涉及到全否定和部分否定问题,见否定一讲)
  主动: Somebody had cleaned my shoes.
  被动: My shoes had been cleaned by somebody.
  一般将来shall (will) do,被动变do为be done
  即由shall do或will do变为shall done或will be done。
  例:主动: We shall build several big modern power plants in our city next year.
  被动:Several big modern power plants will be built in our city next year.
  (shall do中的shall要随新主语变为will, do为be done.)
  被动句中的by引出的宾语,一般说来,如果是人称代词你、我、他等,均可省略,someone no one不由by来引出。如果是名词不能省略,但当今英语也都可省略了。
  make...come true 使……成为事实; come true做宾补(见感使动词口诀)。
  主动should (would) do,被动be done代原形。
第1个回答  2011-12-17
是不是What time is it?的那一单元啊,重点句型:
What time is it
It's ……
What day is it today?
Today is ……
What's the date today?
Today is ……
When is your birthday?
My birthday is in/on……(具体到哪一天用on,其余都用in)
What's he/she/it's birthday?
His/Her/its birthday is in/on……
第2个回答  2011-12-17
Unit 9 What kind of movies do you like ?
Do you want to go to a movie?
I don't like thrillers because they're scary.
action ----exciting
第3个回答  2011-12-16
(注:重点句型在Grammar Focus里)
第4个回答  2011-12-28
1. 种类名词和该种类中小类名词的关联(上下文中词与词的相互联系与限制)
What kind of movies do you like? I like comedies.
What kind of fruit do you like? I like apples .
What kind of subject do you like? I like English .
What club do you want to join? I want to join the swimming club .
What kind of food does Mary like? She likes hamburgers .
What’s your favorite movie star ? Bruce Lee .
What’s your favorite subject ? Math and English.
What’s your favorite movie ? Action movies.
2. 谈论想做的事(不定式的使用)
I want to see the movie with my friends. 我想同朋友一起去看电影。
She wants to see Beijing Opera on weekend. 她周末想看京剧。
They want to play soccer on Tuesday. 他们星期二想踢足球。
英语句子中不能同时出现两个谓语动词(除非其间有连词),如果一个句子中同时出现了两个动词,第二个动词应使用不定式形式( to + 动词原形)。
下列动词后如果再带上动词,所带的动词使用不定式( to + 动词原形): want, like, go, come, start, wish, love 以及 ask s.b, tell s.b, want s.b 等。
She likes to play the piano. 她喜欢弹钢琴。
We often start to do homework at 5:00 pm. 我们经常下午 5:00 开始做作业。
He often goes to see Beijing Opera on weekends. 他们经常周末去看京剧。
My mother wants me to be a teacher. 我母亲想要我成为一名教师。
It’s very exciting to have a Chinese friend. 拥有一个中国朋友多么令人激动啊。
I’m very glad to meet you. 很高兴认识你。
3. 部分词语的用法
( 1 ) I like action movies and he likes thrillers.
She likes fruit and but she doesn’t like vegetables.
and 表示并列关系, but 表示转折关系(使用时,不能只考虑句式是否对应,而主要应考虑上下文的意义是否有对应关系)
She doesn’t like documentaries, and she thinks they are boring.
I like action movies, but I think thrillers are too scary.
( 2 ) June really likes action movies, and she often goes to see Chinese action movies.
注意: often, usually, only, really, also 等词放在句中时,应放在特殊动词( am, is, are, can, may, don’t, doesn’t )之后,其余动词之前。
We are all Chinese students. And we all like China.
Mr. Smith usually speaks English. He can also speak a little Chinese.
( 3 ) Mike likes Chinese action movies, and he also likes Beijing Opera.
Mike likes Chinese action movies, and he likes Beijing Opera, too .
also 和 too 都可用于肯定句中表示“也”, also 放在动词前, too 放在句尾。
( 4 ) She often goes to see Beijing Opera with her father .
with s.b 常用于动词词组后表示伴随关系(注意表人的词为代词时,用宾格形式)
John usually goes to school with me at 7:30 in the morning.
注意:表示伴随关系的 with s.b 有时可以放在主语和动词之间,这时动词形式不用受 with s.b 这个短语中名词形式影响(动词形式应根据 with 前的主语判定)
Jim with his parents is in the room. (不用受 parents 影响,用 are )
Mr. White with his students usually plays soccer on Tuesday afternoon. (不用受 students 影响)
4. 短语词组和重要句型
what kind of 哪种 go to a movie = go to movies 去看电影
action movies 动作 see a movie = see movies 看电影
learn about 学到有关……的知识 Chinese history 中国历史
Beijing Opera 京剧 see Beijing Opera 看京剧
see comedies 看喜剧片 with her father 同她的父亲一起
on weekends 在周末 my favorite actor 我最喜欢的演员
Do you want to go to a movie? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. 你想去看电影吗? 想。 / 不想
What kind of movies do you like? Comedies. 你喜欢哪种电影? 喜剧片。
June really likes action movies. She thinks they are very exciting.
June 非常喜欢功夫片,她认为它们很令人激动。
She thinks she can learn about Chinese history. 她认为她能学到一些中国历史。
She often goes to see Beijing Opera with her father. 她经常同她的父亲一起去看京剧。
Some people don’t like it, but she thinks it’s interesting. 有些人不喜欢,但她认为很有趣。
I often go to movies with my friend, Mike. 我经常同我的朋友 Mike 一起去看电影。
Jet Li is in the movie. 李连杰主演了这部电影。