

1. go v.去
2. movie n.电影
3. go to a movie 去看电影
4. action 动作片
5. comedy n.喜剧
6. documentary n.记录片
7. thriller n.恐怖电影或小说
8. kind n.种类
9. singular n.单数;单数形式 adj.单数的
10. plural n.复数;复数形式 adj.复数的
11. opera n.歌剧
12. Beijing Opera 京剧
13. find v.寻找;查找
14. someone pron.某人
15. who pron.….的人; 谁
16. student n.学生
17. scary adj.可怕的,吓人的
18. funny adj.有趣的,好玩的
19. sad adj.悲哀的;悲伤的
20. exciting adj.令人激动的;振奋人心的
21. really adv.事实上;无疑地;真正地
22. think v.想;思考;认为
23. learn v.学习;学会
24. about prep.关于;涉及;在…方面
25. history n.历史
26. often adv.时常;常常
27. with prep.与…在一起;和;使用…;有
28. favorite adj.& n.最喜爱的(东西)
29. actor n.演员
30. new adj.新的
31. weekend n.周末;星期六和星期日
32. too adv.也;又;太
33. successful adj.成功的
34. Rush 《尖峰时刻》(电影名)
35. Mr Bean 《憨豆先生》(电影名)
36. Shaolin Temple 《少林寺》(电影名)
37. Ben 本(男名)
38. Maria 玛丽亚(女名)
39. Michele 米歇尔(女名)
40. June 琼(女名)
41. Edward 爱德华(男名)
42. Jackson 杰克逊(姓或男名)
43. Rick 瑞克(男名)
44. Jackie 杰克(男名,昵称)
45. Rowan Atkinson罗温•艾金森(憨豆先生)
46. Jet 杰特(男名)
第1个回答  2011-11-21
1. go v.去
2. movie n.电影
3. go to a movie 去看电影
4. action 动作片
5. comedy n.喜剧
6. documentary n.记录片
7. thriller n.恐怖电影或小说
8. kind n.种类
9. singular n.单数;单数形式 adj.单数的
10. plural n.复数;复数形式 adj.复数的
11. opera n.歌剧
12. Beijing Opera 京剧
13. find v.寻找;查找
14. someone pron.某人
15. who pron.….的人; 谁
16. student n.学生
17. scary adj.可怕的,吓人的
18. funny adj.有趣的,好玩的
19. sad adj.悲哀的;悲伤的
20. exciting adj.令人激动的;振奋人心的
21. really adv.事实上;无疑地;真正地
22. think v.想;思考;认为
23. learn v.学习;学会
24. about prep.关于;涉及;在…方面
25. history n.历史
26. often adv.时常;常常
27. with prep.与…在一起;和;使用…;有
28. favorite adj.& n.最喜爱的(东西)
29. actor n.演员
30. new adj.新的
31. weekend n.周末;星期六和星期日
32. too adv.也;又;太
33. successful adj.成功的
34. Rush 《尖峰时刻》(电影名)
35. Mr Bean 《憨豆先生》(电影名)
36. Shaolin Temple 《少林寺》(电影名)
37. Ben 本(男名)
38. Maria 玛丽亚(女名)
39. Michele 米歇尔(女名)
40. June 琼(女名)
41. Edward 爱德华(男名)
42. Jackson 杰克逊(姓或男名)
43. Rick 瑞克(男名)
44. Jackie 杰克(男名,昵称)
45. Rowan Atkinson罗温•艾金森(憨豆先生)
46. Jet 杰特(男名)

检举 | 2011-6-19 08:10 最佳答案 非谓语动词是中学语法中的重要内容,也是高考重要考点之一。考点主要分布在以下几方面:1、不定式和动名词作主语和宾语;2、分词和不定式作宾补,状语和定语;3、非谓语动词的各种形式;4、动名词的复合结构;5、“疑问词+不定式”结构;6、不定式的省略;7、现在分词与过去分词的区别。考点分析如下:
考点一:不定式和分词作状语(其逻辑主 语必须和句子的主语一致)
Hearing the news , they got excited .(时间)
Having been bitten by a snake , she was frightened of it . (原因)
Given a chance , I can surprise the world .(条件)
Having been told many times , he still repeated the same mistakes (让步)
The cup dropped to the ground , breaking into pieces .(结果)
The teacher came into the lab , followed by some students .(伴随状况)
generally speaking …一般来说
frankly speaking … 坦白地说
strictly speaking … 严格地讲
judging from/ by … 根据…来
considering , … 考虑到 …
to be honest 老实说
taken as a whole , … 总的来说
to tell the truth .说真的
to be honest 老实说
to make things worse 使事情更糟的是
given … 考虑到
happy, lucky, fortunate, glad, pleased, afraid, surprised, proud, disappointed, sure, able, sorry, free, willing, eager, ready, anxious, likely, patient, easy, difficult, fit, comfortable 等。

The doctor did all he could to save the boy.
in order to do(为了...) so as to do(以便...)
so adj/adv as to do(如此…以致于...)
too adj/adv to do(太...而不能...)
adj/adv enough to do(足够...以致于...)
only to do (结果…)
1.下列动词后,只能跟不定式作宾语,常见的动词有:agree, seek(寻找) , fail , decide, refuse , offer , afford , learn , dare , demand , hope , desire , manage , prepare , pretend, promise , ask , want , expect , intend(打算,想要),wish , choose , determine , would like , set out (着手,开始) attempt(尝试,试图,企图) , make up one's mind , try one's best 等.

2.有些动词不能直接跟不定式作宾语,需用it 代替不定式。常见的动词有:find , make , feel , think , consider , suppose 等。
主+ V( make , find … ) it + adi /n + 不定式
This has made it necessary for agriculture and industry to develop quickly .
①admit , advise , avoid , appreciate , enjoy , escape , excuse , delay , miss , risk , fancy , resist , include , finish , imagine , keep (on ) , mind , practise , suggest , allow , permit , stand (忍受) ,consider(考虑),forbid 等词。
②be / get used to , give up , feel like , insist on , put off, stick to , be busy , look forward to , object to 等词组。
③ sb have difficulty / trouble ( in ) doing.
sb have great fun doing
sb have a hard ( good ) time ( in ) doing
sb spend / waste time /money( in ) doing
sb be busy doing 或sb keep sb busy doing
sb/ sth stop / prevent / keep sb from doing
What / How about doing …?
sth be worth doing ;
sb prefer doing to doing .等句型

forget to do 忘记去做
doing 忘记已经做过
remember to do 记住去做
doing 记得曾经做过
regret to do 后悔(遗憾)去做
doing 后悔做过某事
stop to do 停下来接着做另一件事
doing 停止做一件事
try to do 努力(试图)做某事
doing 尝试着做
go on to do (做完某事)接着做另一件事
doing 连续做同一件事
can't help to do 不能帮助做
doing 情不自禁地做
mean to do 意欲(想,企图)做
doing 意味着(意思是)做
5.allow , advise , forbid , permit 之后用动名词作宾语,但要用不定式作宾补。
The manager doesn't allow smoking in this office.
The manger doesn't allow anybody to smoke in his office.
①like ( love , prefer ) +doing 常表示经常性的行为
like ( love , prefer) + to do 常表示暂时的行为
I like talking very much but I don't like to talk with this stranger.
②如果like , love , prefer 前有would / should , 后面则应接动词不定式。
We'd like to go swimming this weekend if it is fine.
③need , require , want 当“需要”解时,其后可接动名词doing,也可接不定式to be done作宾语。
①可带to 的不定式作宾补的动词有:
ask, tell, want, expect, wish, order, advise, invite, beg, force, oblige, allow, , forbid, get , warn, encourage, prefer, persuade, cause 等。
②不带to 的不定式作宾补的动词有:
have, make, let, see, hear, watch, notice, observe, feel,listen to, look at 等。
We often hear him sing this song.
He is often heard to sing this song.
③可以用to be 作宾补的动词有:
think, consider, believe, imagine, feel, declare , find, suppose 等。
We all believe him to be fit for this position.

参考资料:回答者: 364592179,tailuowang

第2个回答  2011-11-19
Unit 9
1. go v.去
2. movie n.电影
3. go to a movie 去看电影
4. action 动作片
5. comedy n.喜剧
6. documentary n.记录片
7. thriller n.恐怖电影或小说
8. kind n.种类
9. singular n.单数;单数形式 adj.单数的
10. plural n.复数;复数形式 adj.复数的
11. opera n.歌剧
12. Beijing Opera 京剧
13. find v.寻找;查找
14. someone pron.某人
15. who pron.….的人; 谁
16. student n.学生
17. scary adj.可怕的,吓人的
18. funny adj.有趣的,好玩的
19. sad adj.悲哀的;悲伤的
20. exciting adj.令人激动的;振奋人心的
21. really adv.事实上;无疑地;真正地
22. think v.想;思考;认为
23. learn v.学习;学会
24. about prep.关于;涉及;在…方面
25. history n.历史
26. often adv.时常;常常
27. with prep.与…在一起;和;使用…;有
28. favorite adj.& n.最喜爱的(东西)
29. actor n.演员
30. new adj.新的
31. weekend n.周末;星期六和星期日
32. too adv.也;又;太
33. successful adj.成功的
第3个回答  2011-11-29
go v.去
2. movie n.电影
3. go to a movie 去看电影
4. action 动作片
5. comedy n.喜剧
6. documentary n.记录片
7. thriller n.恐怖电影或小说
8. kind n.种类
9. singular n.单数;单数形式 adj.单数的
10. plural n.复数;复数形式 adj.复数的
11. opera n.歌剧
12. Beijing Opera 京剧
13. find v.寻找;查找
14. someone pron.某人
15. who pron.….的人; 谁
16. student n.学生
17. scary adj.可怕的,吓人的
18. funny adj.有趣的,好玩的
19. sad adj.悲哀的;悲伤的
20. exciting adj.令人激动的;振奋人心的
21. really adv.事实上;无疑地;真正地
22. think v.想;思考;认为
23. learn v.学习;学会
24. about prep.关于;涉及;在…方面
25. history n.历史
26. often adv.时常;常常
27. with prep.与…在一起;和;使用…;有
28. favorite adj.& n.最喜爱的(东西)
29. actor n.演员
30. new adj.新的
31. weekend n.周末;星期六和星期日
32. too adv.也;又;太
33. successful adj.成功的
34. Rush 《尖峰时刻》(电影名)
35. Mr Bean 《憨豆先生》(电影名)
36. Shaolin Temple 《少林寺》(电影名)
第4个回答  2011-11-27