求英语作文,以“people should not be allowed to keep snakes as pets”为题,120字左右


As a increasing number of people begin to keep some scary spices of animals such as snakes and lizards,Concerns have been expressed that whether this phnomeon should be forbidden.People's views toward this issue tend to vary.Some believe it is there right to choose whate animal they willing to keep,but speaking for myself,I totally agree the idea that we should not keep them as pets.
First of all,snakes is a kind of dangerous animal,they may hurt people who around them.Furthermore some of them are posion spices,and pose a threat to our life.
Then some people do not like such a scary animal,even fell reluctant to saty with them in a same room.So if someone keep snakes as their pets,there is a big chance that you will let your friends who does not like snakes feel unconfortable.
As I mentioned abobve,I think,we should not take the risk to keep such a spice as our pets.
第1个回答  2011-11-19
Many people like keeping pets, dogs, cats, birds, mice and so on. Some people are like a snake, but most people do not allow for or against his own family pet snake, because the snake is a very dangerous animal, in ancient times there are many stories that snakes are bad. In fact, I think as long as their own safe from harm in the case of a snake, can be.追问



= = (可能不太好,因为我只会写吸烟有害健康)Smoking is harmful to health, but was forced to secondhand smoke also harms people 's health. I think. We ourselves should not smoke, then she persuaded family friend and don't smoke. If not able to persuade them, then in their smoking when we leave.
