

一、当介词出现在 which/whom 前面时,which/whom 应该是该介词的宾语,与后面的动词没有直接关系。

1、如果不定式是及物动词,它应该另有宾语,不然就不能称其为及物动词,“介词 + which/whom”则是状语,即修饰该不定式动词的状语。如:

* This is my duty out of which to complete the task. 这是我要出于完成任务的责任。
——介词短语 out of which 是 complete the task 的状语,which 指代 the duty,即 complete the task out of the duty,是介词 out of 的宾语. (=定语从句 This is my duty out of which I will complete the task)

* Persons with whom to make friends should be decent. 要与他们交朋友的人应该是正派的。
——介词短语with whom 是不定式短语 make friends 的状语,whom 指代 persons,即 make friends with the persons, 是介词 with 的宾语. (=定语从句 Persons with whom one makes friends should be decent.)

2、如果“介词 + which/whom”要与动词不定式呈现动宾关系,该不定式应该是一个由“不及物动词 + 介词”构成的动词短语,如 listen to,look at,put in,make from 等。这样的动词短语作定语的时候,为了避免介词后置致使句子显得凝重,介词就与它的宾语 which/whom 一起被提前,形成了“介词 + which/whom + to + 不及物动词”的结构。如:

* I know well the man with whom to talk. 我对要谈话的那个人十分熟悉。(也可以写成 I know well the man whom to talk with)
* The music to which to listen is very popular. 要听的那首曲子很流行。(= The music which to listen to is very popular.)

3、如果上述带介词的动词短语属于不可拆分的固定习惯用语,如 take care of,look for,就不能把介词提前到 which/whom 前面,如:

可以说 The patient whom to take care of is taking to his bed. 要看护的患者正卧床不起。
不可以说 The patient of whom to take care is taking to his bed.


1、“介词 + which/whom + to + 及物动词 + 宾语”,其中的介词短语是不定式的状语,如上述的第一点;
2、“介词 + which/whom + to + 不及物动词”,其中的 which/whom 是介词短语的宾语,如上述的第二、三点。