
学生的心态 在正式进行初级英语视听说课堂教学之前,以及开课之后的每隔一段时间,对学生的心理进行沟通,以提高学生自主学习的动力,主动学习,快乐学习,从而在课程开始之后能积极的参与并融入其中,对于提高口语能力、交际能力等等都是大有益处的。 2.1克服英语难学的心理障碍 一般学生英语学不好很大原因在于,还没有开始认真学习之前就给自己灌输了错误的思想。比如,认为自己又不出国,学习英语有什么用,或者说学习英语需要长期的坚持,自己能坚持下来吗等等问题,严重阻碍了自身学习潜能的发挥,从而为英语口语不敢讲,不敢用英文与人交流,甚至谈到英文就直摇头埋下了深深的伏笔。 通过心理咨询和沟通,让学生逐渐这种摆脱心理因素对学习的影响,培养自信心,充分了解自己,懂得善于发现自己的潜能并正确运用到学习上。这样不仅能提高英语学习的自觉性与主动性,增加与人用英文口语交流的勇气,提升自己的额英语交际水平,而且对日常生活中的人际交往、为人处世也能产生深远的影响。

Students' mentality In formal primary English audio-visual classroom teaching before and after class of every once in a while, to student's psychological communication, to improve the students' autonomous learning motivation, active learning, and the happiness of learning, and once on the programme can active participation and fit in, to improve oral English ability, communication skills, etc., are very good. 2.1 overcome English is difficult to learn psychological barriers General students learn English well is a big reason, have not seriously started learning to instill before the wrong idea. For example, think themselves and not go abroad, learning English have what use, or learning English needs long-term insist, yourself can persist? And so on, seriously hindered their own learning potential of the play, and oral English can't speak, dare to use English to communicate with people, even as English is to keep shake head buried the deep declination. Through the psychological consultation and communication, let the students to get rid of the psychological factors on gradually learning effects, cultivate confidence, fully understand myself, and I know how good at finding their potential and correctly apply to study. This will not only improve the English learning self-consciousness and initiative, increase and people with English spoken English communication courage, enhance their own forehead English communication level, but also to the daily life of the interpersonal, communicating can also produce far-reaching influence. 追问: 哥们,不要找软件翻译啊。我可是要上交的啊。可以帮帮忙么? 回答: 姐认真看了一下,'笨'人觉得挺好的, 语法 和单词的运用都挺好的啊?是缺乏感情的渲染吗?我不懂啊?既然被否决了。那我相信在你的意念中已经有了更好的答案了!我的 第六感 在告诉我你可以的,可以自己翻译的很好。为什么不自己动手翻译一下呢?为什么不学会在翻译中提升自己的能力呢?为什么一定要高手翻译一下呢?为什么你就不能成为那位高手呢? 嗯哼,这是一个值得思考的问题!!! 只能对你说句:加油!!!!