







If bitten by a snake, taking first aid is very important. 如果被蛇咬了,采取急救非常重要。
The steps should be Calm down, Ligate, Flush and Squeeze the venom out.
步骤应该是 冷静,结扎,冲洗和挤出蛇毒。(下文中,把步骤的关键词全部大写,表示强调。)
1, CALM DOWN. Don't run or do any strenuous exercise. So the venom won't spread so fast in your body.
2, In 1 or 2 minutes after being bitten, LIGATE the place about 3 to 5 centimetres above the wound with straps or things like that. And release it every 15 to 30 minutes.
3, Find some clean water immediately and FLUSH the wound with clean water again and again.
4, Finished the 3 steps above, SQUEEZE the wound hard so the venom will flow out with blood. 完成上述三个步骤,尽力挤压伤口,那么蛇毒就会跟血液一起流出来。
But BE CAREFUL! If being bitten by an Agkistrodon acutus, don't squeeze too hard or you may keep on losing blood. 但注意!如果被五步蛇咬了,不要挤压地太用力,否则你可能持续失血。

Part of venom may be cleaned out by those steps above. After taking the first aid, you should go to hospital or call 999 (120 in China) for a professional treatment as soon as possible.
第1个回答  2011-03-05
After the implementation of the snake bite first aid is very important to follow the early calm, ligation, washing, detoxification of steps 1, be calm, not running, extreme sports, so as to slow down the body to absorb and spread of venom. 2, ligation, after being bitten by 1 to 2 minutes fast grass, cloth, etc. in the wound 3 to 5 cm above the ligation, 15 to 30 minutes, bleeding time. 3, wash in search of water immediately after ligation, the wound repeatedly with water rinse. 4, in the completion of the above steps, try to squeeze the wound discharge sera, but was acutus bites, avoid追问


第2个回答  2011-03-05
Be snake bites before implementation of early first-aid is very important

To comply with calm ligation flush detoxification steps

1 must be calm, can't run, extremist movement, etc, to slow down the body's absorption and diffusion of venom

2 ligation, in be bitten after 1 ~ 2 minutes fast with thatched cloth etc in wound top 3 ~ 5 centimeters ligation, 15 ~ 30 minutes bloodletting once

3 in ligation rapidly after rinse, searching for water, the water is rinsed repeatedly to wound

4 upon completion of these steps, trying to squeeze wound eduction poison, but was blood WuBuShe bites, avoid by all means don't blindly row of blood, in order to prevent the bleeding

Through the above steps can remove part of venom, in the meanwhile, save quickly find have medical conditions of hospital for treatment