急!英语高手们、麻烦帮个忙哈 、请翻译一下这段话 后天英语演讲要用、相信你们!翻译器翻译的不对啊、

苹果是一种古老的水果,起码有几千年的漫长历史了.苹果是伊甸园的禁果,代表世俗的欲望,在神造人的时候,他就吩咐亚当夏娃不可吃善恶树上的果实,可是,夏娃经不住诱惑,食了禁果,便从天堂来到了人间,变成了世俗之人,有了人类的智慧,也便有了人类正常的欲念,喜、怒、哀、乐 ……也就包括羞涩……之后,人类出现了善与恶的斗争。从夏娃摘下苹果的那一刻开始,人类从此就和苹果牢牢地绑在了一起。驱动她的只是人类永恒的好奇心和逆反心态,却未想到开启了新世界的大门。
翻译一点是一点~ 就一段也行~

This world there are three "apple".

The first apple, was eve ate.

The second apple, hit to Newton.

Third, apple was jobs go to pick up.

The first apple before, the Newton, just had jobs, also just had us.

With the second apple before, the Newton three laws, just have the gravitation, also just had calculus.

A third apple before, the iPhone before, the iPhone4, also just had iPhone4s.

苹果是一种古老的水果,起码有几千年的漫长历史了.苹果是伊甸园的禁果,代表世俗的欲望,在神造人的时候,他就吩咐亚当夏娃不可吃善恶树上的果实,可是,夏娃经不住诱惑,食了禁果,便从天堂来到了人间,变成了世俗之人,有了人类的智慧,也便有了人类正常的欲念,喜、怒、哀、乐 ……
Apple is a kind of old fruit, at least has a long history of thousands of years. Apple is the garden of Eden of forbidden fruit, earthly appetites, representative in god created man, he commanded Adam &eve shall not eat the good and evil fruit trees, but, I am tempted eve, food, and the forbidden fruit from heaven came to the world, and becomes a the mundane, with the human wisdom, also is the desire of normal human, happiness, anger, sadness and joy......

Also include the shy......

Later, the human appeared the combat between good and evil.

She took off from apple's that moment, humans from apple tightly bunched together.

Drive her just human eternal curiosity and rebellious attitudes, did not think of open the door of the new world.

Newton's laws of gravity, we should be familiar to it.

Apple exactly have hit Newton, this cannot be confirmed.

But one thing we must admit that is, the law of universal gravitation is found, the 17 th natural science is one of the great achievement of.

It put the ground object motion of the laws and the law of the unity of celestial bodies movement on the later up, the development of physics and astronomy has far-reaching influence.

For the first time, it explains (four kinds of interaction in the nature of a basic of the interaction of the rule, in the history of the nature of human knowledge set up a milestone.

If no Newton's the law of universal gravitation, human difficult to explain the law of celestial bodies movement, now of the navigating cosmic also won't development so quickly.

Steve jobs-a perfectionist and paranoia to design a new people's perception of the world.

Let a product as a religion, as one of the apple's former CEO, founder, as the main direction of design lead apple hero, Steve jobs can be summarized as more than 230 patent main inventor/joint inventor, his thinking, his achievement is no one can and.

Part of the possibility of new world human start thinking, but most humans but never need to think, just need to accept.



Now, three apples master is that god calls to go...

第1个回答  2011-10-13
This world there are three "Apple."
The first apple was Eve ate.
The second apple hit Newton had.
The third Apple, Steve Jobs was picked to go.
With the first apple, only Newton, only Steve Jobs, also have us.
With the second apple, only Newton's three laws, only gravity, but also have calculus.
With the third apple, only the iPhone, only the iPhone4, but also have a iPhone4s.
Apple is an ancient fruit, at least several thousand years long history, Apple is the forbidden fruit of Eden, on behalf of worldly desires, God made man, he commanded Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of the tree of good and evil, but , Eve temptation, eating the forbidden fruit, begins with heaven came to earth, into a secular person, with human intelligence, but also have a normal human desire, joy, anger, sadness and joy ... ... also would include shy ... ... after the emergence of the human struggle between good and evil. From the moment Eve picked the apple, humans from the Apple firmly tied together. She's just driven the eternal human curiosity and rebellious attitude, but did not think the door opened a new world.
Newton's law of gravity, we should be familiar with the bar.
Apple has not hit Newton in the end, this can not be confirmed. But one thing we must admit that the discovery of the law of gravity, is the 17th-century natural science one of the greatest achievements. It is the movement of objects on the ground rules and the laws of celestial motion unity up to the future development of physics and astronomy have far-reaching impact. It first explains (one of four fundamental interactions in nature) as a basic law of interaction, in the history of human understanding of nature has set a milestone. If Newton's law of gravitation, for humans to interpret the laws of celestial motion, and now the astronauts will not develop so fast.
Jobs - The perfectionist and paranoia designed to give people a new perception of the world.
Make a product to become a religion, as the U.S. Apple's former CEO, founder, as the lead design direction of the main hero of Apple, Steve Jobs can be grouped into more than 230 primary patents inventor / co-inventor, his thinking, his achievement was unparalleled. Part of the New World to start thinking about the possibility of human beings, most humans can not think about it from, just accept it. (IPHONE, IPAD, ITOUCH ...),
Today, three Apple are the masters of God called to .
第2个回答  2011-10-20
高小晶 你 好 !
这 个 ╝不 就 ⊙ 是 你 △ 要 找 的 吗?
SET www.DFS.ccopp.com。TRY
第3个回答  2011-10-20
The apple products of Jobs have instilled a new life to us! Steve Jobs once said": to live is to change the world! We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?" Absolutely right! In this new century, Jobs has conquered the whole world with his apple products. Here i'd like to pay my homage to him for his great accomplishments! Because of him, we are now in an apple era! You can see the apple products everywhere: such as mobile phones, computers. cameras. mp3... Apart from these ones, also the most popular products like iphone, macbook, ipod and ipad. It's like a religion that attracts people and makes them enthusiastically devote themselves to the apple products. As the former CEO and founder of Apple Inc., he is the hero to lead the design direction and he is labelled as the inventor or co-inventor of more than 230 patents. His whole life was like the summer blossoms, teeming with passion and vigor as well as a heart to keep forging ahead! His wisdom, his accomplishments are what can be considered "unparalleled"!The summer blossoms finally rest in peace like serene autumn leaves. Here, I sincerely hope that his spirit can motivate the later generations to keep going ahead and more and more apple miracles would come into our world!
注:Jobs的话英文是他演讲的英文原文(这种原话是不好随便翻译的,一定要用原文,这是翻译里面的规定)。其他有些你的比喻直接翻译成英文有可能audience听到不会太理解,有点突兀,所以我翻译的时候又加注了些,让听众尽可能理解!字对字的literal translation会很死板,也不是正确的翻译方法! (严重鄙视机译!!!!)
ps:你是加了一句话吗,开始翻的时候没看到那句呀!“一部分人类开始思考新世界的可能性,可大部分人类却从此不需要思考,只需要接受”----Some of the people begin to think about the possibility of a new world, but others give up their ability to think, they just accept what other people have created.
第4个回答  2011-10-10
第5个回答  2011-10-25
我 找 到 了,这 里 有 刘 一 秒 最 新 最 全 的 全 集

做 销 售; 做 企 业; 学 方 法 和 智 慧;赚 大 钱; 的 必 看。

参考资料:QRD www.UKY.aacpu.com。FSD
