





B: You are indebted to your friends because they stand by your side and accompany during your growth, share weal and woe, and come to your aid in your time of need.

A :You are indebted to your teachers as they led us by the hand, with encouragement and dedication, on the continuous journey forward when we were at a lose and unable to move forward. They derive their happiness and bliss from ours.

B: You are indebted to Mother Earth as is carries mountains and rivers, sustain the lives of millions of beings, endowing humankind with its habitat, day and night.

A: You are indebted to Heaven as its broad breast feeds winds, frost, rains and snow, and selflessly nourishes every you and me the he loves.

第1个回答  2012-03-06
B: one friend to you, they stood at your side, accompany you grow up together, not only perfected, will also urgently needed.
A: the teacher to you, when we lost helpless, back then, we have helped the teacher to do, all the way to encourage, all the way to pay, the happiness you happiness, happiness with your happiness.
B: the earth to you, it contained thick pieces, to have everything, the rest day and night to mankind living environment;
A: the sky to you, it openness, conceived the snow and wind and frost, selfless nourish every his love of you I.
第2个回答  2012-03-06
B: one of your friends, they are waiting in your side, accompany you grow together, not only the icing on the cake, and timely assistance.A: the teacher one of you, when we are confused and helpless, reluctant, the teacher helped us to continue to do, a way to encourage, a way to pay, your happy happy, happy with your happiness.B: the earth had been kind to you, the thick of it contained the mountains and rivers, bears all things, endless day and night for the living environment of mankind;A: Heaven has well to you, it is a broad bosom, breed various difficulties and hardships, selfless nourish each of his beloved you.