

Juggalo or Juggalette (the latter being feminine) is a name given to fans of Insane Clown Posse or any other Psychopathic Records hip hop group. Juggalos have developed their own idioms, slang, and characteristics
The term originated during a 1994 live performance by Insane Clown Posse. During the song "The Juggla", Joseph Bruce addressed the audience as Juggalos, and the positive response resulted in Bruce and Joseph Utsler using the word thereafter to refer to themselves and their friends, family, and fans, including other Psychopathic Records artists.Juggalos have compared themselves to a family. Common characteristics include drinking the inexpensive soft drink Faygo and wearing face paint.They view the lyrics of Psychopathic Records artists (which are often violent in nature) as a catharsis for aggression.
简单说来就是对一类迷恋神经质说唱风格女歌迷的别称。该词源于1994年Insane Clown Posse组合的一次现场演唱会,在唱到歌曲“The Juggla"的时候,Joseph Bruce (组合中的成员)称呼观众为”Juggalos“,而此后,Bruce 和Joseph Utsler 也用”Juggalos“来指代自己,朋友们,粉丝甚至包括其他的一些有神经质演唱风格的歌手共同组成了一个大家庭--这个家庭就叫”Juggalos“, 这个群体的显著特征就是脸上涂抹油彩,喝着廉价”faygo"牌软饮料。