急求 英文翻译!(要正确的语法哦!)

2,每天除了上课 以外最重要的活动就是去图书馆查资料 学习。
3. 我喜欢制作一些手工艺品,空闲的时候我就会做一些。
4. 大学里我认识了很多新的朋友 有了他们我的生活更加丰富多彩了。
5. 今天上了期待已久泥塑课程 太开心了
6. 我会让大学的每一天都这样充实而又意义的。
7. 希望你的生活和工作都能顺顺利利 每天开开心心
8. 我喜欢开心的大笑 这样有益身体健康
9. 我是一个倔强的人,我想做的事情我一定会坚持不懈努力到底的。
11.如果你来沈阳一定要去北陵 东陵 沈阳故宫 世博园 棋盘山 等地游玩哦!一定不会让你失望!

就这12句 只要正确就可以~!急需 在线等 5点40准时 处理问题 谢谢啦

第1个回答  2008-11-28
1. I'm the monitor of our class, and also is the entertainment commisary.

2. Besides having my classes, everyday the most important activity is to refer to learning materials in the library.

3. I like making some handicraft works in the free time.

4. I knew many friends in my college life and they made my life more colorful.

5. Today I'm so happy that we attend a clay sculpture class which I expected for a long time.

6. I will make my daily college life happy and meaningful like this.

7. I hope your daily life and work is well and you are happy everyday.

8. I like laughing delightly because it can benefits our health.

9. I'm an intractable person, and I will untiringly do what I want to do.

10. I have a good memory about my hometown.

11. If you come to Shenyang, you must go to Beiling, Dongling, the imperial palace of Shenyang, the World Exhibition Garden, Chessborad Mountain. Here will not make you disappointed.

12. Everyday I live happily and busily like this. My life is full of delightness(happiness).

第2个回答  2008-11-28
1,I have classes in literature and art as a squad leader and member of the office
2,In addition to attend class, every day is the most important activities of the library to check information on learning
3,Like some of the production of handicrafts, leisure time, I will do something
4,I know the university a lot of new friends,and life become even more rich and colorful
5,Today on the long-awaited clay course, I am very happy
6,I will let the university every day and so full of meaning
7,I hope you will be able to live and work to be carried out smoothly, and every day happy
8,I like the happy laughter,which useful to health
9,I will be in the end the persistent efforts if i want to do,because I am a stubborn person
10,In my hometown I have a lot of good memories
11,If you come to Shenyang, will then need to Beiling, Dongling, Shenyang Imperial Palace, the exposition, and so on to play Qipanshan.Will not let you down!
12,It was so busy every day and a happy life! My life is full of fun!
第3个回答  2008-11-28
1.I am monitor in my class, I am secretary in charge of literature in my class.
2.except lessons,the most important things is went to library for studing bu myself everyday.
3.I am fond of making craftworks, if there is spare time, I will do.
4.I have been got lots of friends during my university time.my life become very splendid because of them.
5.today we get the lessons of technic with soil,it is so benign.
6.I will make everday so splendid and interesting during my university time.
7.expect you got more kilter and happy in your life and work.
8.I am fond of laughing, it is nice to your health
9.I was a hard-nosed person,I will try my best to what I want to do.
10. there are lots of nice memoryin my hometown.
11. if you come to SHENGYANG, you could have a vist to BEILING,DONGLING, Forbidden City of SHENGYANG, world view park,QIMAN mountain. it will not make you fell despair.
12.like this so busy and so happy, my life was very brilliant.

please carefully use them, I think it is allright.
第4个回答  2008-11-28
1, I class as a squad leader in the post, I classes in literature and art as a member of the office. 2, in addition to daily classes other than the most important activities is to search the library to learn the information. 3. I like the production of a number of arts and crafts, free time and I will do something. 4. The university I know a lot of new friends they made my life more colorful by. 5. Today on the long-awaited clay course too happy 6. I will let the university every day and so full of meaning 7. hope you will be able to live and work to be carried out smoothly every dayhappy. I like the happy laughter so good health 9. I am a stubborn person, I want to do, I will be in the end the persistent efforts. 10. My home I have a lot of good memories. 11. If you must go to Shenyang Beiling Dongling Qipanshan Exposition in Shenyang Imperial Palace and other places to play Oh! Will not let you down! 12. It was so busy every day and a happy life! My life is full of fun!



第5个回答  2008-11-28
1. I'm the monitor of our class, and also is the entertainment commisary.

2. Besides having my classes, everyday the most important activity is to refer to learning materials in the library.

3. I like making some handicraft works in the free time.

4. I knew many friends in my college life and they made my life more colorful.

5. Today I'm so happy that we attend a clay sculpture class which I expected for a long time.

6. I will make my daily college life happy and meaningful like this.

7. I hope your daily life and work is well and you are happy everyday.

8. I like laughing delightly because it can benefits our health.

9. I'm an intractable person, and I will untiringly do what I want to do.

10. I have a good memory about my hometown.

11. If you come to Shenyang, you must go to Beiling, Dongling, the imperial palace of Shenyang, the World Exhibition Garden, Chessborad Mountain. Here will not make you disappointed.

12. Everyday I live happily and busily like this. My life is full of delightness(happiness).