
海德公园是伦敦最知名的公园。 海德公园是英国最大的皇家公园。位于伦敦市中心的威斯敏斯特教堂地区,占地360多英亩,原属威斯敏斯特教堂产业。十八世纪前这里是英王的狩鹿场。16世纪,英王亨利八世将之用作王室的公园。查理一世执政期间,海德公园曾向公众开放。1851年,维多利亚女王首次在这里举办伦敦国际博览会。1944年,美国总统罗斯福和英国首相丘吉尔曾在这里签订了海德公园协议,这项美英之间关于二战期间核武器研发合作的协议。现在也是人们举行各种政治集会和其他群众活动的场所,有著名的“演讲者之角”

Hyde Park is the most famous park in london. Hyde Park is also the largest royal park. It is located in the centre of London's Westminster Abbey area, covering an area of 360 acres, formerly Westminster Abbey industry. Before eighteenth century, it was the king's farm for hunting deer. In the sixteenth century, King Henry VIII made it as a royal park. During administration of the Charlie Thi, the Hyde Park was opened to the public. In 1851, Queen Victoria held the first international exhibition in London. In 1944, President Barack Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill signed an agreement here, which is on nuclear cooperation during World War II. Now people also held various political rallies and other public activities as well as the famous "speakers' corner"