

December 5, 1994, auction houses in England Lundunke Christi. Shih Dave toys girls named Teddy Bear auction to 171,600 U.S. dollars, 18 times as much as the excess valuation. The former world record twice, the buyer is widely known as the gateway for Japanese businessmen Kyrgyzstan.

Michael Bukatman (USA) on May 25, 1999 in the United Kingdom Donald Dayton headquarters created a Guinness World Record while rotating 28 basketball records. Map was created in 1998 by Rotary basketball record of 25 scenes

Asia extends to the Yarlung Zangbo River valley in China's Tibet from Bangladesh, the average depth of 5,000 meters. depths of 5,382 meters, three times more than the United States, the Grand Canyon deep.

Fenghuoshan Tunnel located in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway Fenghuoshan Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, 1,338 meters in length, track 4905.4 meters above sea level. The China Railway 20th Bureau Group Ltd. railway tunnel construction, started in October 2001. October 2002 speech, 31 September 2003 completion.

Animal Orchestra is the largest component of the elephants from Thailand, the first 12, They bang the Thai Elephant Conservation Center in Thailand organized several concerts. In 2000, Americans Richard Blair and the bands by David Suozheer founded aim is to protect the Asian elephant.
第1个回答  2007-02-26
On December 5, 1994, auctioned the line in English London Chrystie, asection named 泰迪 girl executed 戴夫 the toy bear by 171,600 USdollars auctions, surpassed estimates 18 times to be many, wasprevious generation record two times, the customer is named theimportant pass lucky broad Japan merchants
第2个回答  2007-02-26