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关键词:骆驼祥子 祥子 悲剧 命运 个人主义

望采纳:The tragedy of persecution is two-fold: the first heavy is external, namely in the struggle against poverty, he hurt pretty badly. The second is the inner, namely the soul with their breed and spread of the humble ugly gradually the struggle, he quality of worse loss. His tragedy, the root causes of both the external social inevitable factors, also has his own vulnerability: namely individualism thoughts.

A frustrated. Persecution of indifference, directly caused his first tragedy.

2. The only thought ability, make that sad and poor but.

Three. But individualism prevailed.

Four of the persecution. HuNiu life appears, constitutes life path but the tragedy of deep layer factor.

5. Small blessing to the rest of persecution of son impact.

Persecution of individualism ideological manifestations, showing he mind world that piece of small and he as individual worker weaknesses: if he for other driver's cold and indifferent; He socal thought; His destiny and reluctance to rebel; His decadent that fall, etc. The tragedy of persecution is a working-class tragedy. Persecution of decadence is destruction. But spirit

The destroy itself has a shake that destroyed the persecution of the old society forces. This is where the tragic power the novel.

Keywords: camels persecution individualism. But tragic fate.谢谢!
第1个回答  2011-04-26
Xiangzi's tragedy is twofold : the heavy external, in the fight against poverty, he failed quite a heavy. the second is the soul, and gradually stem the spread of the humble quality of the ugly protest his failure in a more disastrous. his tragedies, have both the sources of external factors of society will inevitably, the lepers : he is the idea of individualism.
A. xiangzi to the state of the world, the direct cause of his first tragedy. 2. the thought made him sad. three is poor. xiangzi individualism prevailed. four. tigress in xiangzi life of a xiangzi ways a travesty. five. she could to xiangzi 后半生 influence.
Xiangzi of individualist thinking, with his world of mind that small and as individual labourers, and his weaknesses : as he told the other driver of the cold and indifferent ; he climbed ideas; his resign and don't want to fight; he's bored that fall, etc. xiangzi's tragedy is a manual laborer's tragedy. xiangzi's gone is the spirit of destruction. xiangzi
This end in itself a shake of the destroyed of the old society. this is the novel tragedy forces the
第2个回答  2011-04-27
The tragedy of persecution is two-fold: the first heavy is external, namely in the struggle against poverty, he hurt pretty badly. The second is the inner, namely the soul with their breed and spread of the humble ugly gradually the struggle, he quality of worse loss. His tragedy, the root causes of both the external social inevitable factors, also has his own vulnerability: namely individualism thoughts.
A frustrated. Persecution of indifference, directly caused his first tragedy.
2. The only thought ability, make that sad and poor but.
Three. But individualism prevailed.
Four of the persecution. HuNiu life appears, constitutes life path but the tragedy of deep layer factor.
5. Small blessing to the rest of persecution of son impact.
Persecution of individualism ideological manifestations, showing he mind world that piece of small and he as individual worker weaknesses: if he for other driver's cold and indifferent; He socal thought; His destiny and reluctance to rebel; His decadent that fall, etc. The tragedy of persecution is a working-class tragedy. Persecution of decadence is destruction. But spirit
The destroy itself has a shake that destroyed the persecution of the old society forces. This is where the tragic power the novel.
Keywords: camels persecution individualism. But tragic fate
第3个回答  2011-04-28
Xiangzi's tragedy was twofold .The first tragedy was the external one in which he was defeated miserably when he tried to fight with the poverty.The second tragedy was the inherent one in which he was also defeated when he did struggle with his inside quality.The quality was ugly and humble and was formed gradually.The root of his tragedy was affected by the social factors and his own handicps which meaned individualism thought.
第4个回答  2011-04-30