
A more complete understanding of China’s political system requires an examination of the relationship between the central government and the numerous provincial, municipal, and local governments spread across the country. China officially has 34 provincial-level governments; over 300 prefecture-level governments; nearly 3,000 county-level governments; and over 40,000 township-level governments. As was the case with the central government, virtually all of the lower-tier governments contain a parallel Party administration (headed by the secretary of the Party Committee) and a governmental body (headed by the governor, mayor, or county head).

Unlike the United States, China’s constitution does not provide for a division of power among the various tiers of government. Officially, each successive tier of government down from the top reports to the preceding tier above it. Although all political power resides with central government, the constitution does allow local governments to “conduct the administrative work concerning the economy, education, science, culture, public health, physical culture, urban and rural development, finance, civil affairs, public security, nationalities affairs, judicial administration, supervision and family planning in their respective administrative areas.” In practice, each tier of government exercises varying degrees of autonomy.

The relationship between the local Party leader and the local top government official is critical to the effectiveness of the local government. At the provincial level, these are almost always two separate people; at the county level, one person may serve both roles. It is the usual practice of the central government to appoint provincial leaders who are not from the province, and to rotate them with some regularity. This is done to avoid an individual developing too strong a local political base, to reduce the risk of corruption, and to promote provincial leaders who are considered successful. County officials, by contrast, are generally from the region, and are less likely to be removed from their local office unless they are promoted or dismissed.

A more complete understanding of China’s political system requires an examination of the relationship between the central government and the numerous provincial, municipal, and local governments spread across the country. China officially has 34 provincial-level governments; over 300 prefecture-level governments; nearly 3,000 county-level governments; and over 40,000 township-level governments. As was the case with the central government, virtually all of the lower-tier governments contain a parallel Party administration (headed by the secretary of the Party Committee) and a governmental body (headed by the governor, mayor, or county head).如果想更加完整的理解中国的政治体制,需要调查整个国家的众多省份、城市、和地方政府。中国有34个省级政府,超过300个地市级政府,近3000个县级政府,约40000个乡镇一级政府。与中央政府情况一样的是,实际上所有下级政府均包含与其平行的党组织(党委书记是其领导)和政府实体(省长、市长或县长是其领导)。
Unlike the United States, China’s constitution does not provide for a division of power among the various tiers of government. Officially, each successive tier of government down from the top reports to the preceding tier above it. Although all political power resides with central government, the constitution does allow local governments to “conduct the administrative work concerning the economy, education, science, culture, public health, physical culture, urban and rural development, finance, civil affairs, public security, nationalities affairs, judicial administration, supervision and family planning in their respective administrative areas.” In practice, each tier of government exercises varying degrees of autonomy.
The relationship between the local Party leader and the local top government official is critical to the effectiveness of the local government. At the provincial level, these are almost always two separate people; at the county level, one person may serve both roles. It is the usual practice of the central government to appoint provincial leaders who are not from the province, and to rotate them with some regularity. This is done to avoid an individual developing too strong a local political base, to reduce the risk of corruption, and to promote provincial leaders who are considered successful. County officials, by contrast, are generally from the region, and are less likely to be removed from their local office unless they are promoted or dismissed
第1个回答  2011-04-29
想要更加全面的了解中国的行政系统,就需要对中央政府与为数众多的省级,市级和遍及整个国家的地方政府之间的关系做一个深入的调查。从官方角度来讲,中国共有34个省级政府; 和超过4000个市级政府。实际上与中央政府的情况相同的是,所有的低层政府都包含平行的党政管理部门(以党委秘书为主要领导),并且平行的拥有政府体(以省长,市长或者县长为主要领导)。


Officially, each successive tier of government down from the top reports to the preceding tier above it. Although all political power resides with central government, the constitution does allow local governments to “conduct the administrative work concerning the economy, education, science, culture, public health, physical culture, urban and rural development, finance, civil affairs, public security, nationalities affairs, judicial administration, supervision and family planning in their respective administrative areas.” In practice, each tier of government exercises varying degrees of autonomy.

The relationship between the local Party leader and the local top government official is critical to the effectiveness of the local government. At the provincial level, these are almost always two separate people; at the county level, one person may serve both roles. It is the usual practice of the central government to appoint provincial leaders who are not from the province, and to rotate them with some regularity. This is done to avoid an individual developing too strong a local political base, to reduce the risk of corruption, and to promote provincial leaders who are considered successful. County officials, by contrast, are generally from the region, and are less likely to be removed from their local office unless they are promoted or dismissed.追问


第2个回答  2011-04-29


