

My name is xxx. I am 25 years old now. A graduate student in xx university. I will graduate in this June. I do everything very carefully. My learning ability is strong and I am good at finding the advantages of others. With good language ablity, i can handle all kinds of softwares in Windows platform, eg word2003、excel2003、photoshop. Japanese ability is high and i have acheved a lot of prizes during my university time. I have ever been a volunteer for the government to be responsible for serving the previous premier and other Japanese visitors. I have also ever been the interpreter to help the police inquest the criminals. Furthermore, i often translated the foreign documents for my professor. All above were very good practices. Certainly, i know that you have very strict requirements about the English level for the employees. I admitted that my english had been stepped back a little. To be honest, I have prepared a lot for this interview. If you ask me to express myself in English next, maybe it will be a little difficult for me. However, i am trying to review English as soon as possible and i promise that i will achieve the english level you required within the short time to meet the requirements from your company.
第1个回答  2011-04-21
My name is # #, 25 years of age, and # # university graduate student reading, graduated in June this year. I work hard carefully, learning ability strong, good at finding the advantage of others. Have good text organization ability, can skilled operate Windows platform of various applications (such as word2003, excel2003, photoshop). Japanese comprehensive ability stronger, university in various game during often getting good grades. Graduate students in the city government made volunteers during once, is responsible for the reception of former Japanese prime minister and his Japanese friend, served as an interpreter to assist the public security personnel questioning prisoners. In addition also often help the teacher translation some literature materials, these are all to himself very good exercise. Of course, I know your company to staff English level also has relatively strict request, I admit, these two years my English level, to tell you the truth behind some for the interview, I had prepared, so, if the next you asked me to express in English, I may temporarily some difficulty, but I am now take the time to review, I promise I'll with the fastest speed in the shortest possible time to improve their English level, to adapt to the company to my request.


第2个回答  2011-04-21
第3个回答  2011-04-21
My name is # #, 25 years of age, and # # university graduate student reading, graduated in June this year. I work hard carefully, learning ability strong, good at finding the advantage of others. Have good text organization ability, can skilled operate Windows platform of various applications (such as word2003, excel2003, photoshop). Japanese comprehensive ability stronger, university in various game during often getting good grades. Graduate students in the city government made volunteers during once, is responsible for the reception of former Japanese prime minister and his Japanese friend, served as an interpreter to assist the public security personnel questioning prisoners. In addition also often help the teacher translation some literature materials, these are all to himself very good exercise. Of course, I know your company to staff English level also has relatively strict request, I admit, these two years my English level, to tell you the truth behind some for the interview, I had prepared, so, if the next you asked me to express in English, I may temporarily some difficulty, but I am now take the time to review, I promise I'll with the fastest speed in the shortest possible time to improve their English level, to adapt to the company to my request.