请帮我把这些英文问题 翻中文 不要翻译软体 会英语的帮忙一下

帮我把这些英文问题 翻中文 不要翻译软体 (尤其是 google )

1. Predict the story after reading the first chapter ?
2. What different predictions can you make?

3. Give some details about the location or the setting of the novel.

4. Are the characters real to you or are they just stereotypes ?
Explain using the main characters as examples.

5. Does the novel present realistic situations? If so, how do you know?
If not, what is being presented?
6. What kinds of issues and problems are being dealt with?
7. What kind of reader (audience) might be interested in this novel? Why?

1. Think about some of John Henry’s characteristics. Why did the other rail hands admire these characteristics? Why did the rail hands need an inspirational example like John Henry?
2. Barack Obama had an American mother and an African father.
He grew up in Hawaii and spent few years in Indonesia .
He has Kenyan and Indonesian half – siblings.
Is his multi cultural background an advantage or disadvantage for him as president of the United States ? why do you think so?
1. Predict the story after reading the first chapter
What different predictions can you make?

1. Predict the story after reading the first chapter ?
2. What different predictions can you make?
3. Give some details about the location or the setting of the novel.
4. Are the characters real to you or are they just stereotypes ?
Explain using the main characters as examples.
5. Does the novel present realistic situations? If so, how do you know?
If not, what is being presented?
6. What kinds of issues and problems are being dealt with?
7. What kind of reader (audience) might be interested in this novel? Why?
1. Think about some of John Henry’s characteristics. Why did the other rail hands admire these characteristics? Why did the rail hands need an inspirational example like John Henry?
想一想John Henry 的特质。为何其他铁路工欣赏这些特质?为何铁路工们需要一个像John Henry这种能启发带动群体的榜样?

2. Barack Obama had an American mother and an African father.
He grew up in Hawaii and spent few years in Indonesia .
He has Kenyan and Indonesian half – siblings.
Is his multi cultural background an advantage or disadvantage for him as president of the United States ? why do you think so?
第1个回答  2011-03-29
1. 读完第一段后,请预测故事的结果。
2 你能想出多少种不同的结果?
3. 请阐述小说的地点和环境细节
4. 小说中的人物对你来说是否真实?或是老一套?请用主要人物举例说明
5. 小说是否反映了现实情况? 若是,请说出原因。若不是,请说明。
6. 小说试图反映和解决的问题是什么?
7. 什么样的读者(观众) 可能会对小说感兴趣?为什么?

1. 思考一下John Henry的人物性格。为什么其它水手都崇拜这些性格? 他们为什么需要像John Henry这样的鼓舞人心的模范?
2. 巴拉克奥巴马的母亲是美国人,父亲是非洲人。他自己在夏威夷长大 ,并在印度尼西亚住过很多年。他的兄弟姐妹既有肯尼亚人也有印度尼西亚人。 他的多文化背景对他当选美国总统是优势还是劣势? 为什么?
第2个回答  2011-03-29
1. 读完第一章后预测这个故事
2. 你能做不同的预测么?
3. 就小说的背景给出一些细节。
4. 你认为人物真实么?还是他们比较呆板?
5. 小说提现了真实场景么?如果是,你从哪里得知?
6. 论述了什么观点?
7. 什么类型的读者会对这个小说有兴趣?为什么?
1. 想一想约翰·亨利的一些人物形象。为什么其他作者羡慕这些人物形象?为什么作者需要这些像约翰·亨利一样鼓舞人心的人物例子。
2. 奥巴马的母亲是美国人,父亲是非洲人。
第3个回答  2011-03-29
1. Predict the story after reading the first chapter ?读完第一章后猜测一下这个故事(内容)
2. What different predictions can you make?你能猜出几种不同的内容?

3. Give some details about the location or the setting of the novel.
4. Are the characters real to you or are they just stereotypes ?
Explain using the main characters as examples.
5. Does the novel present realistic situations? If so, how do you know?
If not, what is being presented?
6. What kinds of issues and problems are being dealt with?
7. What kind of reader (audience) might be interested in this novel? Why?
1. Think about some of John Henry’s characteristics. Why did the other rail hands admire these characteristics? Why did the rail hands need an inspirational example like John Henry?
想一想约翰 亨利是一个什么性格的人。
2. Barack Obama had an American mother and an African father.
He grew up in Hawaii and spent few years in Indonesia .
He has Kenyan and Indonesian half – siblings.
Is his multi cultural background an advantage or disadvantage for him as president of the United States ? why do you think so?
Barack 奥巴马有一个美国母亲和一个非洲父亲。他在夏威夷长大,在印度尼西亚住过几年。他有肯尼亚和印度尼西亚血统的兄弟姐妹。你认为他的多文化背景对他做美国总统有什么有利和不利条件吗?你为什么这么认为?
第4个回答  2011-03-29