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他们回到了久别的家乡,结果发现他们所熟悉的人都进了城市(only to find)
当问及此事时,他装作从没有听到过此事(When asked)

第1个回答  2011-01-25
They went back to their hometown where they have not been for long time, only to find that people they were acquainted with have already been in towns.
He pretentended to have never heared of it when asked.
Another bridge has been built to connect Pudong area and downtown area.
第2个回答  2011-01-25
1,They went back to their hometown only to find all the people they're familiar with entered the cities. 2,when asked he pretended he had never heard of it. 3.Another bridge has been put up over the Huangpu river, which connects the Pudong district and downtown closely.