
摘要: 自改革开放至今,中国的建筑机械行业成绩很大。现代化建筑施工,要求广泛采用各种类型建筑机械。施工机械化水平直接影响到工程质量和施工速度,对克服公害、扩大施工范围、降低工程成本和减轻劳动强度也有重要作用。当今世界也已进入智能化时代,现代建筑机械是智能化的产物。国民经济的飞速发展,特别是西部大开发政策的实施,要求建筑机械制造业提供大量高效能的建筑机械。以便于我们开拓思路,缩短设计周期,降低制造成本,提高使用效率。随着社会的发展,城市化进程的加快,建筑领域科技的进步,市场竞争将日趋激烈;此外,随着全球一体化进程的加快,我国建筑施工企业面对的不再是单一的国内市场,跨国、跨地区、跨产业的竞争模式逐渐成为一种新的竞争手段。因此,建筑行业对人才质量的要求也越来越高。本课题通过对建筑机械分类、构造组成及功用等几个主要方面进行详细的分析;对建筑机械产品的开发和发展状况进行比较详尽的探讨;通过实例进一步阐述建筑施工机械化和建筑机械现代化的重要意义及建筑机械在国民经济中的地位和作用;并论述科学技术发展对建筑机械现代化的促进作用,对建筑机械发展未来进行展望。
关键词: 建筑机械施工水平,建筑机械现状,建筑机械发展趋势,建筑机械特点,建筑机械优势。

The constructional mechanic industry has achieved great improvement since the opening-up reform. The modern architectural construction required extensive use of various type of construction machinery. The level of construction machanisation directly affects the project quality and speed of application; it also has crucial influence on conquering the social effects of pollution, construction range expansion, project cost lowering and labour intensity mitigation
For now, the world has entered the era of intelligentisation, of which the modern construction machinery is the outcome. The dramatic development of domestic economy, especially the application of western development policy, required large amount of high efficiency construction machinery to be provided by modern construction machinery manufacturing industry; as that will be beneficial to our train of thoughts expansion, designing- cycle shortening, production cost lowering and application efficiency improvement. Along with the social development, the acceleration of urbanisation and the improvement of architectural technology, the rivalry of market is escalating;

Furthermore, as the process of global integration is accelerating, the architectural construction businesses in China are not only facing the domestic market, the mode of competition of cross-border, cross-region and cross-industry is becoming a new competition focus. As a result, the construction industry is now with higher requirement for talents.

The article conducted detailed analyses to key areas such as architectural construction machinery categorisation, structural composition and functionality, investigated the development and perspective of construction mechanic product; further stated the status and effects of constructional machinery in domestic economy and the significance of construction machanisation and machinery intelligentisation through examples in practice, discussed the stimulation effect of scientific technology development to construction machanisation and the outlook for architectural construction machinery development in the future.