谁能帮我翻译下 韩语自我介绍书 急用!谢谢了!


虽然家里的生活不算富裕,但是我和姐姐在父母的爱心养育之下,快乐的成长。高中时期,我和姐姐更一起以优异的成绩考入华安县第一中学,父母亲都很开心。高中时期,喜欢上看韩国电视剧,对韩国语很有兴趣,很想学习韩国语,因此我选择了学习韩国语,那时候,我就对自己说,我不会后悔选择来南京,来学习韩国语。 在学校学习期间,一直对学习韩国语抱有热忱,取得了韩国语能力等级三级证书,另外,还取得了英语三级证书,计算机一级证书,并在大学一,二年级都获得三等奖学金。还获得了优秀团员的称号。


저의 아버지는 중국석유화공회사소속의 주유소 지점장이고 어머니는 주유소의 일반직원이예요.그리고 쌍둥이 언니가 하나 있어요.쌍둥이가 되서 그런지 어렸을때부터 같은옷을입고다니고 생김세도 비슷하여 많은사람들의 주목을 받아서 많이 쑥스러워했어요.저의 고향은 작은 도시예요,그러나 풍경이 아름답고 물산이 ㅁ풍부하며 복건의테꽌인(Tea이름);쥬룽삐위(Tea이름)등은 전국적으로 이름있어요.그리고 얼이로우(건축명칭)는 더욱더 세계문화이산에 신청되여있어요,저의고향은 대도시처럼 번화하고 분주하지않지만 그래도 여기에 사는사람들은 모두 행복하게 살아가요.
비록 집에생활은 부유하지않지만 저와 언니는 부모님들의 사랑밑에서 행복하게 잘았어요.고중시절때 나와 언니는 우수한 성적으로 화안현 제1중에 입학하여 부모님도 매우 기쁘하셨지요.그시절에 나는 한국드라마를 보기시작하면서 한국어에 흥취를 가지기 시작하였고 배워기 싶어서 한국어를 선택하였어요.--------+++++------학교에서 한국에학습에 열성을 품고 하였기에 한국어능력 3급증서,그리고 영어3급증서 ,컴퓨터 1급증서 그리고 대학1,2학년때는 3등장학금도 받았었며 우수단원호칭도 받았습니다.
이후에 사회환경에 적응할수 있기위하여 주말에는 커피솦에서 아르바이도 하였으며 이로하여 나는 어떻게 부동한고객들을 대응하는 법칙도 배웠습니다.이는 학교 생활에서 배울수 없는 사회의법칙이겠죠.

再你的文章里有句话没有翻译。---那时候,我就对自己说,我不会后悔选择来南京,(그때 나는 자신에게 말하기를 나는 남경에 온것을 휴회하지않을것이다.)----再我的眼里这句话有点带有 你现在有点后悔或者你不聘请我就后悔学韩语的意思)呵呵呵--- 你想加就 加到横线部分就可以。
第1个回答  2008-10-18
The father is petroleum chemical industry limited company subordinate gas station stationmaster, the mother is a gas station ordinary staff.I have a twin elder sister, possible because is the twin, I and the elder sister put on the same clothes since childhood, moreover long resembling, always receives very many human of attention, always feels extremely embarrassedly.My hometown is a small county seat, but it is beautiful, the product is rich, the Fujian Oolong tea, the Kowloon wall jade is famous in the nation, two suitable Lou Ze in this year reported the world inheritance is successful, although the hometown does not have the big city with to make noise lively, but, lives in here people all very peaceful life. Although in family's life does not calculate wealthily under, but I and the elder sister raise in parents' compassion, joyful growth.The high school time, I and the elder sister was admitted together by the outstanding result the Hua'an County first middle school, the parents very am all happy.The high school time, likes looking the South Korean soap opera, has the interest very much to the Han national language, very wants to study the Han national language, therefore I chose have studied the Han national language, that time, I said to oneself, I could not regret chose Nanjing, studied the Han national language. In school study period, continuously to studies the Han national language to hold zealously, has obtained the Han national language ability rank three levels of certificates, moreover, but also has obtained the English three levels of certificates, the computer level certificate, and in the university one, the second year all obtains three and so on the scholarships.Also has obtained excellent league member's title. In order to will be able to survive in the future social environment, I will also work using weekend after school, although only will be in between a cafe works as server, but this also exercised me in to face the different visitor to propose time question strain capacity, as well as studied the social criterion very much which could not study in the school.
第2个回答  2008-10-19
用 翻译 工具 肯定不对 不用看了~ 而且 你这个 太长了 如果你也是 学韩语的 你 就 会明白 这文章有多长 既然是自我介绍 没必要弄的 和 自传一样长
把自己的 情况 简单扼要的 概括~父母多少 提一下 没必要 那么 详细
楼主自己 斟酌