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在美妙的音乐中,唱唱跳跳,轻轻松松学英语,其中乐趣不言而喻,还可以通过唱歌来培养学生兴趣、增强记忆、降低学习难度、减轻学生的学习负担。在这一套教材中,有许多有趣的歌谣,这些歌谣清脆动听,简单易学,深受小孩子的喜欢。根据小孩喜欢听和唱歌谣的特点,我把课文中的一些内容也编成了顺口溜或歌谣。如:教“What colour is the…?It’s….”的句型中,我就配用了简单轻快的音乐,学生很快就学会并记住了句型。
游戏是小学生最乐意接受和参与的活动。根据教学要求,我尽量把传授知识和游戏融为一体,设计一些适合教材的游戏。比如:学习了有关颜色的单词后,我准备了一些彩色铅笔和其他各种颜色的物品,放在一个大盒子里,请一位同学到讲台前来。我说:“Show me a green pencil.”这个学生按听到的从盒子里拿出相应颜色的东西,全班同学说:“Yes.”或“No.”;又如教完数字1至10后,我设计了一个“Who is missing ? Can you guess?”的游戏。在游戏的同时,我还引进了奖励的激励机制,对获胜的同学分别奖给一些小红星或小红花等,以此来进一步调动其积极性,把学习推向高潮。在这些活动中,教师和学生共同参与,享受游戏的乐趣。学生在欢乐中获得新知识,学习能力也在游戏中得到培养和发展。

Teaching English speech: English classroom full of vitality
Good Leaders:
I have a speech entitled "Let's English class full of vitality"
In order to help their children learn English more easily, it is imperative to enliven the English classroom, so that the classroom dynamic, so that students pleasure in a relaxed environment to learn and master a language. I talk about in a few personal opinions:
First, visual teaching, direct perception.
As the saying goes: "seeing is believing", in order to better achieve the goal of teaching, I am in the process of teaching materials based on the needs of a wide range of ready to map the word cards, word cards, headwear character, and so on, teaching students to recognize Reading words, I must first of all for students to look at pictures and guide them to observe, and then requires students to carefully listen to the teacher's pronunciation, and then allow them to imitate sounds, to enable students to direct perception, illustrated in the scene to learn not only a better understanding and to stimulate their learning Interest in the future to further lay a solid foundation for learning.
Second, the use of tape recorders, to stimulate interest in the creation of English scenes.
Use a tape recorder to play for a sprightly rhythm of the songs, songs or sound, can stimulate students interest in learning. Listen to, Gendu authentic English, grasp the standard voice, tone, training and development of the students listening, speaking ability. To stimulate the senses of students, resulting in a good mood and interest, and also the classroom, "live" together.
Third, edit songs, doggerel, such as the riddle, and enhance memory.
In the wonderful music, sing DanceDance, easy to learn English, which is self-evident pleasure, and can also sing to students interested in enhancing memory, difficulty learning to reduce, reduce the study burden on students. In this set of teaching materials, there are many interesting songs, the songs sounds clear, easy to learn, like the popular kids. According to the kids like to sing songs and listen to the characteristics of the lessons I have some content into a jingle or song. Such as: teaching "What color is the ...? It's ...." The sentence, I will wear a simple, lighthearted music, and students quickly learn to keep in mind that the sentence.
Four games, running through teaching.
The game is the most primary and secondary school students willing to accept and participate in activities. According to the demands of teaching, I try to impart knowledge and into the game, some of the design of teaching materials for the game. For example: learning about the color of the word, I prepared a number of color pencils and other items in a variety of colors, in a large box, one of the students to come to the podium. I said: "Show me a green pencil." According to the students to hear from the box come up with the appropriate color of things, the whole class, said: "Yes." Or "No."; Finish teaching Another example is the digital 1-10 I designed a "Who is missing? Can you guess?" Of the game. In the game at the same time, I also introduced a reward incentive mechanism, the winning students were awarded some of the small red star or a small red flower, and so on in order to further mobilize their enthusiasm to learn a climax. In these activities, teachers and students to participate and enjoy the fun of the game. Students in the joy of new knowledge, ability to learn the game also has been training and development.
The joy of teaching methods in the teaching of English will certainly play an important role in helping students tap their wisdom, so that each student be able to master English. Try to live in the classroom, so that students can learn more knowledge, learn faster and easier.