
用上每句话括号里的词或句子! 谢谢了!

1.你们都喜欢夏天,但是我更喜欢冬天(as for)
2.他长大想从事摄影(take up)
3.突然间他意识到搭错了车(occur to)
4.她把一生献给了教育事业(devote to)
5.如果你制定了计划,你一定要照着去坐(stick to)

1.You like Summer,but as for me,I prefer Winter.
2.He want to take up photography when he grows up.
3.It occured to him suddenly that he took the wrong car.
4.She devoted the whole life to the education.
5.If you have made a plan,you should stick to it.
6.If he doesn't come to take the meeting,I also can'e help.
7.The author subtly weaved all the matters into a story.
8.Students are eager to know the results of the examination
第1个回答  2008-12-06
1. You all like summer, but as for me, I like winter.
2. He wants to take up photography when he grows up.
3. It occured to him suddenly that he took the wrong car.
4. Her whole life was devote to education.
5. If you make a plan, you'll have to stick to it.
6. If his not attending the meeting, I can't help it too.
7. The author subtly weaved all the matters into a story
8. Students are eager to know the results of the exam.
第2个回答  2008-12-06
1.你们都喜欢夏天,但是我更喜欢冬天(as for)
Your all like summer,but as for me,I prefer winter.

2.他长大想从事摄影(take up)
He want to take up photograph when grown up.

3.突然间他意识到搭错了车(occur to)
All of a sudden,it occur to him that he get in the wrong bus.

4.她把一生献给了教育事业(devote to)
She devoted her whole life to the education.

5.如果你制定了计划,你一定要照着去坐(stick to)
If you made a plan (about /for sth.),you must stick to it.

If he won't come to attend the meeting, I can not help.

The author weave those things into a story craftly.

The students are eager to know the result of the test.
第3个回答  2008-12-06
1.All of you like summer,as for me,I'd prefer winter.
2.He wants to take up photograph while he grows up.
3.It suddently occured to me that I had get the wrong bus.
4.She devoted all her life to educational business.
5.If you have made the plan,you should stick to following it.
6.If he doesn't come to attend the meeting,I can't help him.
7.The author wove those incidents together into one story skillfully.
8.The students are eager to know the result of the test.
第4个回答  2008-12-06
1. You like summer, but I prefer winter
2. He would like to grow up to engage in photography
3. Aware of all of a sudden he take the wrong car
4. She has dedicated his whole life to the cause of education
5. If you developed a plan, you must follow to do
6. If he does not come to the meeting, and I can not
7. Ingenious author of these things into a story
8. The students are eager to know the results of the examination
第5个回答  2008-12-06
you like summer,but as for me,l prefer winter