
7、 我很快就习惯这里的生活。(get used to)

8、 你喜欢红色还是黄色?(prefer)

9、 海南是我到过最美丽的地方。(visit,beautiful place)

10、 我想开个支票帐户。(checking. Account)

16、 学生应该充分利用他们的业余时间努力学习(make good use of,spare time)

17、 你很快会习惯这里的生活的(get used to)

18、 你喜欢喝茶还是咖啡?(prefer)

19、 厦门是我所到过最美丽的地方(visit,beautiful place)

20、 这个地方不准停车。(license ,parking)

7、 我很快就习惯这里的生活。(get used to)
I got used to the life here in a short time.

8、 你喜欢红色还是黄色?(prefer)
Do you prefer red or yellow?

9、 海南是我到过最美丽的地方。(visit,beautiful place)
Hainan is the most beautiful place I have ever visited.

10、 我想开个支票帐户。(checking. Account)
I want to open a checking account.

16、 学生应该充分利用他们的业余时间努力学习(make good use of,spare time)
Students should make good use of their spare time to study hard.

17、 你很快会习惯这里的生活的(get used to)
You will get used to the life here soon.

18、 你喜欢喝茶还是咖啡?(prefer)
Do you prefer tea or coffee?

19、 厦门是我所到过最美丽的地方(visit,beautiful place)
Xiamen is the most beautiful place I have ever visited.

20、 这个地方不准停车。(license ,parking
This place accepts no parking license.
This place is not allowed to park.
第1个回答  2008-06-15
7、 我很快就习惯这里的生活。(get used to)
I will get use to the life here soon.
8、 你喜欢红色还是黄色?(prefer)
Do you prefer red or yellow?
9、 海南是我到过最美丽的地方。(visit,beautiful place)
Hainan is the most beautiful place I have ever visited.
10、 我想开个支票帐户。(checking. Account)
I want to open a checking account.
16、 学生应该充分利用他们的业余时间努力学习(make good use of,spare time)
Students should make good use of their spare time to study hard.
17、 你很快会习惯这里的生活的(get used to)
You'll soon get used to the life here.
18、 你喜欢喝茶还是咖啡?(prefer)
Do you prefer drinking tea or coffee?
19、 厦门是我所到过最美丽的地方(visit,beautiful place)
Xiamen is the most beautiful place I have ever visited
20、 这个地方不准停车。(license ,parking)
There is no parking license here.
第2个回答  2008-06-15
7、 We got used to the life here very soon .

8、 What color do you prefer, red or yellow?
Do you prefer the red color or the yellow?

9、 Hainan is the most beautiful place I've ever visited.

10、 I'd like to open/register a checking account.

16、 Students should make good use of their spare time to study hard.

17、 You will soon get used to living/the life here.

18、 Do you prefer tea or coffee?

19、 Xiamen is the most beautiful place I've ever visited.

20、 It is not licensed for parking here./Here is not licensed for parking.
第3个回答  2008-06-15
7. I got used to living here
8. Which do you prefer? Red or yellow
9. Hainan is the most beautiful place that I have visit
10. i want to open an checking account
16. Students should male good use of their spare time to study hard
17. you will get used to living here soon.
18. which do you prefer to drink? Tea or coffee
19. Xiamen is the most beautiful place that I have visit
20. It's not licensed to parking here