
We have many ⑥ out of the kitchen.They save time,too.We cn change television channels by using the remote control.New telephones have a ⑦ so we do not have to remember numbers that we often call.All these things save us much ⑧.Still,there is another question:what happens to all the time we save?
We are so busy ⑨ we need to write down all our appointments on calendars.We join all kinds of groups,study at college and learn new things.It is ⑩ to have"nothing to do"because we always find new.ways to keep busy.
⑥A.muchines B.chances C.inventions D.instructions
⑦A.memory B.button C.screen D.shape
⑧A.money B.time C.action D.opinion
⑨A.when B.if C.that D.which
⑩A.hard B.easy C.important D.relaxing

第1个回答  2008-06-04