
摘 要


关键词: 上市公司;银行借款融资;动机;现金流量管理

Abstract 1998 to 2006 to the listed companies in China as a sample, based on its bank borrowings to finance motivated to avoid the negative经营现金流of cash flow management behavior. This paper describes the use of the analysis will be motivated in bank borrowings and other financing distinguish motives, have been based on the sample companies in bank borrowings to finance cash flow management motive evidence.The main findings: ① will经营现金流capacity of the company and the经营现金流are negative for the company, is经营现金流found in the vicinity of the threshold, the former accounting for the total sample is greater than the proportion of the latter;; ② through the sample into the next phase of bank borrowings financing variables greater than zero Group A, Group B to be zero bank borrowings and other financing motive motive rough distinguish, in comparison with group A,经营现金流near the threshold of being micro-company , And the negative micro-and small companies are in group B-negative and micro-companies are relatively equal ③ further through more rigorous division into the next phase of bank borrowings financing variables, the current bank borrowings financing variable opening bank borrowings and the current balance of the three variables in a Group C greater than zero, and both groups D, compared found经营现金流zero threshold in the vicinity of group C-positive and negative-ratio differences more clearly than in Group D, for more effective access to the company's bank borrowings financing motives based on cash flow management and the evidence