
W.E.B Dubois, a notable African-American social philosopher and activist of the 1920’s spoke of “double consciousness”-the sense of having to look at oneself through the eyes of others. Essentially, double consciousness refers to others defining who a person is and a person feeling pressured to conform to others’ expectations. A person can either take on the expectations others have for him/her or they can reject those expectations and define himself/herself as an individual.
Explain what expectations the character understands are placed upon him/her.
Discuss how the character chooses to respond to or to act when confronted with these expectations. Does the character embrace and assume others’ expectations or does the character reject others’ expectations of him/her?

W.E.B Dubois, a notable African-American social philosopher and activist of the 1920’s spoke of “double consciousness”-the sense of having to look at oneself through the eyes of others.
W.E.B Dubois,二十世纪二十年代美国的一位非洲裔社会哲学家和活动家,以“双重意识”理论而著称,所谓双重意识是一个人应该通过他人来认识自己。

Essentially, double consciousness refers to others defining who a person is and a person feeling pressured to conform to others’ expectations. A person can either take on the expectations others have for him/her or they can reject those expectations and define himself/herself as an individual.

Explain what expectations the character understands are placed upon him/her.
Discuss how the character chooses to respond to or to act when confronted with these expectations. Does the character embrace and assume others’ expectations or does the character reject others’ expectations of him/her?

第1个回答  2014-02-27
W.E.B Dubois是一个著名的美国黑人社会哲学家,和1920年的演讲双重意识的活动家,是关于去通过观察人的眼睛来感知自我。本质上,双重意识涉及到其他人的定义这个人是怎样的,并且这个人
第2个回答  2014-02-27