
题目就是knowledge and diploma


Knowledge and Diploma
Nowadays, a list of diploma has been the most concrete proof of our specific aptitude on our curriculum vitaes. Thus someone says the higher diploma you get, the better job you find. Following the trend, young students push themselves so hard to gain as many diplomas as they can, spending a great magnitude of money and time.
On the other hand, some people tend to believe that one's real aptitude is far more important than a diploma. As we know, more and more college gradutes are desperately feeling anxious about hunting for a job, although they have a college diploma, which should have made them confident and calm down.
From my perspective, however, I think we should balance the two views. It is without question that one's ability is directly displayed by diploma; nevertheless, one could have more advantages that a diploma cannot show. Therefore, it would be better if we judge people not only by their diplomas, but also by our own observation.


第1个回答  2008-06-26
主要是今天晚上脑袋疼 状态不好 不然就真帮你写了 顺便练练写作
第2个回答  2008-06-26
Knowledge and diploma
At present two different ideas come out between knowledge and diploma. Some one think diploma is more important. Because high diploma is a very useful evidence for your to apply for a job, especial for graduate. And many employers will review theirs diploma firstly and decide to employ or not when they recruit new employees.
But another people don’t agree this opinion, they insist that knowledge is more important than diploma. Because some people with high diploma show low operational capability at actual work. And the diploma just is a paper, what’s your performance for your responsibility depends on your knowledge.
As my opinion the two sides are the same important. As a student you must study hard at school and master as much knowledge as you can and get a diploma at last. As other identity you also need to balance the two sides, for diploma is the capital of enter to a enterprise and knowledge is a ladder for your climb to high level.
第3个回答  2008-06-26