
1.您好 欢迎光临 2.请问想看什么电影 。请问买几张票?3.跟您确认一下,您看的是两点四十的XX电影2张票 出票后不退不换,一共是70元 收您100元 找您30元。4.谢谢光临,祝您观影愉快

    您好 欢迎光临 2.请问想看什么电影 。请问买几张票?3.跟您确认一下,您看的是两点四十的XX电影2张票 出票后不退不换,一共是70元 收您100元 找您30元。4.谢谢光临,祝您观影愉快



    How do you do ! / How are you!  Welcome to come here !


    What film do you want to see ? What film would you like to see ? How many tickets do you want to buy ? How many tickets would you like to buy ?


    Let me confirm with you that the film you are going to see will begin at twenty to three this afternoon with two tickets and admit of not being returned and changed after being sold ,charging with total amount of seventy RMB .I have received your 100RMB and give 30RMB back to you


    Thanks so much for your paying a visit to our cinema , Wish you have a good time with seeing films here! Wish you enjoy watching /seeing your movie !

第1个回答  2013-06-21

    Hello, welcome to our cinema!

    What movie you want to see? how many tickiets you want?

    Just want to confirm, that the movie you want to see will start at 2:40 PM, for two tickets ? right, you won't get your money back if you don't want to see the movie. Ok, that's 70 yuan, you give me 100 yuan, then here is 30 yuan, 30 plus 70 makes 100, right?

4. Thank you for visiting our cinema! and wish you enjoy the movie!